Meeting documents

Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 17 March 2008

            Meeting: Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 17/03/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A7 Looking After the Environment 3rd Quarter 2007/08 Performance - Report of Head of Corporate Policy


To view tables please refer to PDF attachment or hard copies located in the Record Office or Corporate Services.

Q3 2007/08 Performance
Report of the Head of Corporate Policy

1. The purpose of this report is to provide an update of quarter 3 performance for the authority’s priorities and the Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) relevant to our Corporate Aim, Looking after the Environment.

12 indicators aligned to Looking after the Environment are included in the authority’s priorities for improvement. Of these, 4 indicators were updated during quarter 3. The following table summarises the performance of these indicators.


5. Number of footway trip claims (PFI 06di)
Between 1 April 2007 and the 31 December 2007, there were 26 footway trip claims. Based on past information and trends, it is anticipated that by 31 March 2008 there will have been approximately 50 claims. This is significantly below the target of 200.

6. Number of bus passenger journeys undertaken each year (BV 102)
Over recent years there has been a decline in the number of bus passenger journeys undertaken. However, during 2006/07 this decline was off-set by the impact of the Park and Ride scheme and the introduction of free concessionary travel. When setting targets, it was expected that this blip would pass and the decline would continue. Various measures are being taken to partially off-set this decline. However, a year-on-year decline is expected. Although the number of bus passenger journeys for the 12 months ending 31 December 2007 was lower than the 2006-07 outturn, performance was on target. This position is also expected at 2007-08 year-end.

7. Carbon emissions related to buildings (PFI 06ci)
2006/07 performance of 41,400 tonnes has just become available. There is no comparative data and 2007/08 performance will not be available until the end of 2008.

8. Carbon emissions related to street lighting (PFI 06cii)
This indicator is measured annually and the 2007/08 figure of 15,327 tonnes has just been released. However, there are no targets and no comparative data available so comparisons can not be made.

9. A summary of all other indicators reported during quarter 3 is shown in the table below,


10. Average number of days taken to repair a street lighting fault under the control of the authority (BV 215a), and under the control of Distribution Network Operator (DNO) (BV 215b)
Both of these indicators are performing better than target and both are expected to achieve their year-end target

11. % of major planning applications determined within 13 weeks (BV 109a)
Performance has improved compared to the 2006/07 outturn and the year-end target is expected to be met.

12. Number of days of temporary traffic controls, or road closures, on traffic sensitive roads, caused by roadworks, per km of traffic sensitive road (BV 100)
Performance has deteriorated but the deterioration relates to a very small percentage of the total of traffic sensitive road (0.04 days). Year-end outturn is expected to be better than target.

13. % of the total length of rights of way in the local authority area that is easy to use by the general public (BV 178)
The final figure for 2007/08 is 58.3%, 13 percentage points lower than 2006/07 and 13.7 percentage points below target. Average performance over the last 4 years is approximately 65%. The rights of way maintenance budget has been reduced and priority is given to paths with the greatest public use, however, this does not mean they will form part of the survey. The survey is random but as most paths are located in rural areas, it is these paths that are more likely to form part of the survey. An analysis of the 2007/08 survey suggests a decline in performance across all measured aspects. An action plan has been put into place and as the Rights of Way Team is now at full complement the enforcement programme for the restoration of paths has been extended to address the extended cultivation season.

14. Year-end predictions suggest that 1 of the indicators reported during quarter 3 will not meet its year-end target.

15. % of the total length of rights of way in the local authority area that is easy to use by the general public (BV 178)
See paragraph 13 for further details

16. It is recommended that Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee Members:
(i) note the contents of this report
(ii) agree to receiving subsequent quarterly performance progress reports

Contact: Debra Kitching Tel: 0191 383 4186


 Q3 scrutiny - environment.pdf;
 Env Scrutiny Q3.pdf