Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 2 July 2007

            Meeting: Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Council Chamber - 02/07/2007 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A7 Healthy Communities Collaborative - Building Leadership Capacity to promote Healthier Communities


Report of the Head of Overview and Scrutiny


1. To inform members of a proposal to run a local leadership capacity event with a focus on promoting healthier communities. This event will target executive (DCC Cabinet), non executive (Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny) and non executive directors in the NHS. (Note 25 places only will be available)


2. The Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) have secured funding from the Department of Health to support Local Authorities promote healthy communities and address health inequalities.

3. The Healthy Communities Programme aims to support and build the capacity of local authorities working within their communities to:
· tackle local health inequalities
· provide leadership to promote well being
· foster a joined-up approach to health improvement across local
government itself and through partnership working with local health organisations, the voluntary and community sector, the private sector and other key local partners
· improve the impact of LSPs and LAAs on the health and wellbeing of the local community.

4. The IDeA will support and fund the programme.

5. The programme will aim to support members and non executive directors in the NHS to:
· Gain an overview of the national policy framework for improving health and tackling health inequalities
· Establish a consensus on what is Health Inequalities
· Understand what needs to be done and what the challenges are
· Focus on outcomes, in particular for the most at risk of poor health
· Share experiences ,local practice and learning
· Build an understanding of how to influence change and deliver healthy public policy
· Look at examples of good practice in improving health of local communities.

6. The programme will be delivered over 4 half day workshops (9am to 1pm) between September 2007 and January 2008. Members are asked to note the following dates and contact the Head of Overview and Scrutiny to express an interest:
· Workshop 1: Friday 21 September
FOCUS - Introduction to Health Inequalities

· Workshop 2: Tuesday 30 October
FOCUS - Action and Outcomes

· Workshop 3: Friday 23 November
FOCUS - Problem Solving Groups

· Workshop: January 2008 (tbc)
FOCUS - Review


7. Members are asked to note the development of a leadership capacity initiative that will aim to promote healthier communities. 8. Members are asked to express an interest in the programme by contacting the Head of Overview and Scrutiny. There will be 15 places available for the JHOSC.

Contact: Feisal Jassat Tel: 0191 383 3506

