Meeting documents

Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 14 July 2008

            Meeting: Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 14/07/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A6 Development of the JHOSC work programme to include Member input into NHS Consultations


Report of the Head of Overview and Scrutiny
Purpose of Report

To outline the process in developing a JHOSC work programme for the next municipal year 2008/09; and to consider overview and scrutiny member input into local, sub regional and regional NHS consultation exercises (as part of the work programme) as appropriate.


Work Programme Development:

An essential component of the JHOSC is to provide challenge and hold the NHS to account on health related matters, for example service design issues.
It also has a pivotal role in contributing to action to address health inequalities by looking at partnership approaches to health improvement.

In doing so the JHOSC has to be focussed on NHS and partner organisation priorities so that it is able to add value, provide challenge and contribute to policy development and service improvement for local communities.

The meeting today will assist in the development of a work programme as each of the four (4) NHS organisations working within County Durham have been invited to share their priorities and challenges over the 12 months and beyond in order to assist the JHOSC respond more effectively.

Following this process a long list of priorities will be identified with an opportunity for members to agree a short list of priorities the JHOSC should focus on.

NHS Consultations:

A number of consultation exercises have already been launched (or will be launched shortly) by some NHS organisations. The JHOSC is a statutory consultee and is therefore required to respond to each consultation.

Responding to NHS consultations is an essential component of the JHOSC work programme.

§ County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust (CDD NHS FT) intends to launch its consultation on service reconfiguration in September 2008 -called “Seizing the Future”. It is proposed ,as both Durham County Council and Darlington Borough Council share the same hospital boundary, that a joint overview and scrutiny task and finish group be established for this purpose.

It is recommended that the Chair and both Vice Chairs of the JHOSC
represent Durham County Council on this Joint Health Scrutiny task and finish group.

§ Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust have just launched its consultation (2 June to 7 September 2008) on “Developing mental health services for older people in County Durham and Darlington”. The consultation focuses on proposal for continuing care and challenging behaviour services.

It is recommended that the Joint Health Scrutiny task and finish group, proposed to respond to “Seizing the Future” above, provide a response to the consultation on behalf of respective Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees in Durham and Darlington for their consideration and approval.
§ Momentum Pathways to Healthcare. The process to plan new hospital, primary and community services and facilities for the people of Teesside as recommended by the Independent Reconfiguration Panel and as approved by the Secretary of State launched its consultation on 2 June till 1 September 2008.

A Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee set up under the auspices of the Joint Tees Health Scrutiny Committee will be convened to respond to the first part of the consultation that is looking at the site for a new hospital in Teesside.

Hartlepool, North Yorkshire, Stockton Councils and Durham County Council have been asked to take part in this first phase - the site of a new hospital.

It is imperative that Durham County Councils JHOSC is represented at this joint health scrutiny committee because 15 % of residents from east Durham (Easington and Sedgefield) use hospital services in the Teeside locality.

It is recommended that the Chair and Vice Chair represent Durham County Council’s JHOSC on the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee set up to respond to phase 1 of Momentum Pathways to Healthcare.


1. That a short list of priorities is drawn up for member approval at the next JHOSC meeting and that these priority areas provide the focus for the JHOSC work programme.

2. That the recommendations under NHS Consultations above are approved.

Contact: Feisal Jassat Tel: 0191 383 3506


 Item 6.pdf