Meeting documents

Highways Committee (DCC)
Thursday 14 June 2007

            Meeting: Highways Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 14/06/2007 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A4 40 mph Zone Burnhill Way, Newton Aycliffe


Item No 4

Highways Committee

14 June 2007

Consideration of Change of Speed Limit
Proposed 40mph Limit, Unclassified
Burnhill Way, Newton Aycliffe
Report of John Richardson, Corporate Director, Environment
1.0 Purpose of the Report

1.1 To consider the implementation of a 40mph speed limit on Burnhill Way, Newton Aycliffe (see attached plan) and to advise Members of objections to the scheme.

2.0 Background

2.1 The request for a formal speed limit on Burnhill Way, Newton Aycliffe originated from Durham Constabulary. The road in question is predominantly rural. There are no properties fronting the road. There are two fully functional underpasses for pedestrian use.

2.2 At present the road is subject to an experimental 40mph speed limit which was introduced in July 2006. The latest speed survey data obtained on the Unc Burnhill Way west of its junction with Williamfield Way indicated a weekly mean speed of vehicles of 37.45mph.

2.3 No accidents have been recorded within the proposed 40mph area of Burnhill Way according to the County Council’s accident database during the past 5 years. It should be noted that this database only includes personal injury accidents. There have been three accidents at the Greenfield Way roundabout and three accidents on Burnhill Way at its junction with Williamfield Way. 2.4 As a result of DfT Circular 01/06 and the new guidance contained in DfT Circular 02/06 concerning the setting of credible speed limits, it is considered that this case requires careful consideration by the Committee. In following the guidance, the existing mean speed and accident rate on the road indicate that the proposed speed limit would be more credible at 40mph. It should, however, also be noted that the guidance states that although 30mph should be the norm in urban areas, a 40mph limit may be used where appropriate. DfT Circular 01/06 notes that for the purpose of applying a speed limit of 40mph, a road must satisfy the following criteria relating to frontage development as set out below:

· On the outskirts of urban areas where there is little development, and any buildings are set back from the road,
· The road should have adequate footways and crossing places as necessary for pedestrians and cyclists,
· A minimum length of 600m.
Burnhill Way complies with all of these factors.

3.0 Current Situation

3.1 Objections to this proposal have been submitted by Great Aycliffe Town Council and Horndale County Infants and Nursery School. This report is to provide Members with relevant information to make a decision with regard to these objections. It should be noted that the recent School Travel Plan for Horndale school did not note any concerns regarding vehicular speed.

4.0 Objections from Great Aycliffe Town Council and Horndale County Infants and Nursery School

4.1 Great Aycliffe Town Council and Horndale County Infants and Nursery
School have both objected to the proposal, both raising similar comments. They believe that increasing the speed limit would compromise the safety of pedestrians, especially the elderly and children.

4.2 It should be noted that there are no footways running adjacent to the carriageway at this point. In addition, there are no roads taking access from Burnhill Way within the proposed 40mph speed limit. It is considered that the speed of vehicles at the nearby junctions will remain largely unchanged where the speed limit is 30mph. Two subways provide safe crossing facilities for pedestrians

5.0 Local Member Consultation

5.1 The Local Member, Councillor Bowman, has been consulted and does not support the proposal.

5.2 However the neighbouring Local Member, Councillor Gray, has campaigned for many years to see the introduction of a 40mph zone on Burnhill Way.

6.0 Summary

6.1 During both the original and recent consultation exercises, no objections were received to the scheme from any local residents. Sedgefield Borough Council have not objected to the proposal.

6.2 Durham Constabulary fully support the introduction of the permanent 40mph speed limit.

7.0 Recommendations and Reasons

7.1 Members are requested to endorse the recommendation to set aside the objections and proceed with confirmation of a 40mph speed limit.

Background Papers
Correspondence on Office File
Dft Circular 01/06
Dft Circular 02/06
Copies of correspondence have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.

Contact: Stephen Jones Tel: 01388 602028

Appendix 1: Implications

The physical works have already been undertaken as part of the Burnhill Way 40mph experimental scheme in July 2006. The advertising costs associated with the scheme have been funded by the Local Transport Plan Area Programme Road Safety.



Equality and Diversity




Crime and disorder



No noticeable effect.

Human rights


Localities and Rurality

As detailed in report.

Young people



As detailed in report.





 Item 4.pdf