Meeting documents

Highways Committee (DCC)
Wednesday 12 September 2007

            Meeting: Highways Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 12/09/2007 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A3 Consideration of Traffic Calming Scheme- Manor Road, Willington


Report of John Richardson, Corporate Director, Environment

1.0 Purpose of the Report

1.1 To consider the implementation of six road humps to act as a traffic calming measure along Manor Road, Willington (see attached plan no LM 001A) and to advise Members of objections to the scheme.

2.0 Summary

2.1 An objection to this scheme has been submitted by four of the residents of the housing estate. This report is to provide Members with relevant information to make a decision with regard to these objections. 3.0 Background

3.1 Charles Church North East Ltd are currently constructing a number of houses near the Cricket Club at the entrance to this housing estate. One of the planning conditions for this development was that the developer considers road safety improvements on Manor Road.

3.2 The County Council has received several requests for traffic calming on Manor Road, Willington from local residents. Residents of the area have spoken with staff on a number of occasions in recent years with respect to their concerns relating to traffic speeds on this road. 3.2 Housing estates are statistically areas where accidents involving children are more likely to happen, with two thirds of all road accidents occurring on roads with a speed limit of 30mph or less. Installing traffic calming results in a 5% reduction in casualties for every 1mph reduction in average speed.

3.3 A speed survey was carried out near to the mid-point of Manor Road between 9 July and 16 July 2007. The results of this survey showed that there are an average of 1592 vehicles using this road every day at a mean average speed of 28mph. The 85th percentile speed at this location is 33.7mph.

3.4 A search on the accident history at this location reveals that there have been no recorded personal injury accidents on Manor Road in the last 10 years.

3.5 During our initial informal consultation exercise, 250 letters were sent out to residents. A total of 110 responses were received during this exercise, 76 (69%) noted that they were in favour and 35 (31%) noted that they were opposed to the scheme.

3.6 At this stage of the consultation exercise the majority of the objectors tended to be in the Abbotts Green area at the northern end of Manor Road.

3.7 During the initial consultation exercise the reasons stated for opposing the scheme included:
· There is no speeding problem/accident history at this location.
· Road humps cause vehicular damage.
· Road humps will be dangerous during wintry conditions.
· Environmental problems associated with vehicle emissions/noise.
· Health problems for passengers, ie bad backs.
· Vehicles will travel faster between the road humps.
· Road humps would prevent Manor Road being considered as a bus route.

3.8 The standard consultees (Emergency Services, Local Member etc) were consulted and all gave their support to the scheme.

3.9 During the final consultation phase involving advertising on site and in the local press, 3 letters of objection were received.

4.0 Objection

4.1 The objectors listed a number of reasons why they were opposed to the scheme. These reasons were:

The risk of further injury to people suffering from back problems. Objectors are concerned that the road humps will cause them further discomfort.

The road humps will be constructed to Government Guidelines so that they provide the desired reduction in speed whilst providing minimum discomfort to the motorist.


There are no schools or play areas within the area covered by the proposed scheme.

As previously noted, housing estates are areas where accidents involving children are statistically more likely to happen not necessarily near schools. The installation of traffic calming will result in a 5% reduction in casualties for every 1mph reduction in speed.

There are no speeding problems in this area.

The mean average speed at the midpoint of Manor Road is 28mph and the 85th percentile speed is 33.7mph. It could be argued that these figures are unacceptable for a populated urbanised area.

The area does not have an accident history.

There have been no recorded personal injury accidents on Manor Road in the past 10 years.

Noise Pollution

There is no evidence to suggest that this method of traffic calming increases the level of perceived noise. The proposed type of traffic calming has been designed for and used on similar estate roads without valid complaint regarding noise nuisance.

Problems in wintry conditions.

The area is provided with salt bins for use in wintry conditions. The road is relatively flat and no problems are anticipated. No problems have been encountered elsewhere with road humps.
The road layout does not justify the introduction of traffic calming measures. The road is a cul-de-sac, with good visibility and footpaths set well back from the carriageway.


Whilst this is correct for the most part, residents have voiced their concerns regarding traffic speeds at several locations in recent years. The alignment and width of the road are such that higher speeds are possible. It is anticipated that the introduction of traffic calming features would help to limit vehicle speeds in a populated urban area.

Vehicle Damage

As previously noted, the road humps will be constructed to Government Guidelines so that they provide the desired reduction in speed whilst providing minimal discomfort. No damage will occur if traversed at an appropriate speed.

Increase in vehicle speed between road humps.

There is no evidence to suggest that vehicular speeds between road humps will be higher than what they are at present.
5.0 Consultations with Emergency Services and Other Bodies

5.1 All of the Emergency Services were consulted during the initial consultation exercise. None of these bodies expressed any objections to the proposed scheme.

6.0 Consultations with Local Member

6.1 The Local Member, Councillor Myers, has been consulted and has advised that he is happy to support the officer’s recommendation.

7.0 Recommendations and Reasons

7.1 Members are recommended to endorse the proposal to set aside the objections and proceed with the scheme.

Background Papers
Correspondence on Office File
Copies of correspondence have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.

Contact: Lee Mowbray Tel: 01388 602028

Appendix 1: Implications


The scheme will be financed by the developer, Charles Church North East Ltd.



Equality and Diversity




Crime and disorder




Human Rights


Localities and Rurality

As detailed in the report.

Young people



As detailed in the report.





 Item 3.pdf