Meeting documents

Highways Committee (DCC)
Friday 18 January 2008

            Meeting: Highways Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 18/01/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A1 Minutes



At a Meeting of the Highways Committee held at the County Hall, Durham on Friday 18 January 2008 at 10.00 a.m.


Councillor H Douthwaite in the Chair

Councillors C Carr, Cordon, Davies, E Foster, Gray, Holroyd, Hunter, Knox, Manton, Morgan, O’Donnell, Pendlebury, Priestley, Stelling, Tennant, Walker and Young.

Other Members:
Councillor R Carr, Chapman and Foster NC.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Forster and Southwell.

A1 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2007 were agreed as correct and signed by the Chairman.

Referring to Minute A2, the Acting Director of Corporate Services informed the Committee that the County Council could not charge for the placement of tables and chairs on a pavement.

A2 Unclassified Melbeck Drive, Ouston - Traffic Calming

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Environment regarding the objections received with regard to a proposed traffic calming scheme at Mellbeck Drive, Ouston (for copy see file of Minutes).

The Corporate Director, Environment informed the Committee that three letters of support for the proposal had been received since the report was written.

The Committee heard a representation from Mr Trevor Hopkins, a local resident. Mr Hopkins informed the Committee that generally he was supportive of traffic calming measures, but felt that they were unnecessary in this location for the following reasons:
  • There had only been two slight accidents recorded on the estate in the last 7 years, with no severe accidents since the estate was built
  • There was no evidence of inappropriate speeds on the estate - in a survey carried out by the County Council, all motorists observed the 30 m.p.h. speed limit, with 67% of drivers travelling at speeds of 20 m.p.h. or below
  • Although there was a perception of risk and accidents on the estate, this could be addressed with the introduction of a 20 m.p.h. speed limit, installation of signs and one speed hump at the entrance to the estate. The money which would have been used for the proposed traffic calming measures could then be used to enhance recreational and play facilities in the area to divert children away from playing on the streets.
The Corporate Director, Environment informed the Committee that 33% of traffic exceeded the 20 m.p.h. speed limit suggested by Mr Hopkins, and that there had been support from residents following a consultation exercise. Although a 20 m.p.h. speed limit could be introduced, the enforcement of this would be problematic.

Councillor C Carr, the Local Member, informed the Committee that traffic was travelling on the estate at what residents considered to be excessive speeds. The proposal had the support of both the District and Parish Councils.

Councillor Walker informed the Committee that although the layout of the estate, with culs de sac, was designed to improve safety, the increase in car ownership had led to more cars being parked on the road, which increased the potential hazard to pedestrians. The majority of respondents to the consultation were in favour of the proposal.


The Committee endorsed the proposal to set aside the objections and proceed with the scheme.

A3 Unclassified Bellerby Drive, Ouston - Traffic Calming

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Environment regarding the objections received with regard to a proposed traffic calming scheme at Bellerby Drive, Ouston (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee endorsed the proposal to set aside the objections and proceed with the scheme.

A4 Unclassified Windsor Street, Trimdon Station - Traffic Calming

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Environment regarding the objections received with regard to a proposed traffic calming scheme at Windsor Street, Trimdon Station (for copy see file of Minutes).

The Corporate Director, Environment informed the Committee that a concern had been raised by the resident of No. 4 Windsor Terrace regarding the positioning of one of the proposed humps. It is intended to have a meeting with the resident, and if possible move the hump slightly eastwards.


The Committee endorsed the proposal to set aside the objections and proceed with the scheme.


 18 January 2008.pdf