Meeting documents

Highways Committee (DCC)
Friday 18 January 2008

            Meeting: Highways Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 18/01/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A4 Unclassified Windsor Street, Trimdon Station - Traffic Calming


Report of John Richardson, Corporate Director, Environment

1.0 Purpose of the Report

1.1 To advise Members of objections to a Traffic Calming scheme at Windsor Street, Trimdon Station (see attached plans).

1.2 This report requests that Members consider the objections of the residents of Windsor Street, Trimdon Station and endorse the recommendation.

2.0 Background

2.1 Complaints regarding speeding and “rat-running” on Windsor Street were received by the County Council. As a result, a consultative meeting was held in July 2007 after which it was decided to proceed with the usual consultation exercise for schemes of this nature. 2.2 A draft scheme, comprising 2 No. Road Humps was prepared.
Each of 24 properties received a letter, a plan of the scheme and a pre-paid reply card and residents were invited to send their comments to the Northern Area office.

2.3 A total of 10 cards were returned. Of these, 80% (8) indicated support for the scheme and 20% (2) raised at least one objection.

2.4 The formal advertisement of the proposal, in the press and on-site, started on 26 October 2007, ended on 16 November. One petition in favour of the scheme was received with signatories representing 12 properties within Windsor Street, and one email against the scheme was also received.

2.5 Residencies from which objections were received are shown on the attached Drg. No. N4531/005. Those which offered support for the scheme are also shown.

3.0 Objections

3.1 Since the number of respondents is high and most raised several different issues with the scheme, each topic of representation will be reported together with the number of respondents who raised the particular issue and the County Council’s response. 3.2 Representation 1

“It is totally unnecessary”.
“Very little traffic uses this road, therefore a waste of money.
This point was raised by two respondents.
Response: The necessity or otherwise of a traffic calming scheme is somewhat subjective depending upon one’s viewpoint. However, the County Council is confident that, if it is implemented, vehicle speeds will be reduced which will be an improvement in road safety terms, especially for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. In addition the scheme will serve as a deterrent to those motorists who use this road as a “rat-run” to avoid an adjacent busy junction.

3.3 Representation 2
“Would cause unacceptable increase in noise”.

This point was raised by one respondent.
Response: Research has shown that overall traffic noise is actually reduced when traffic calming is implemented on roads where the traffic flow consists mainly of light vehicles.

3.4 Representation 3
“Would cause unacceptable increase in nuisance behaviour”.

This point was raised by one respondent.
Response: The County Council does not believe that possible misuse of speed cushions by certain members of the public constitutes a strong enough reason for abandoning the scheme.

4.0 Local Member Consultation

4.1 The Local Member, Councillor Maurice Nichols, has been consulted and supports the scheme.

5.0 Recommendations and Reasons

5.1 Members are recommended to endorse the proposal to set aside the objections and proceed with the scheme as proposed.

Background Papers

Correspondence in office file

Copies of correspondence have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.

Contact: Dave Battensby Tel: 0191 332 4404

Appendix 1: Implications
Local Government Reorganisation
(Does the decision impact upon a future Unitary Council?)



Funding will be jointly provided by a £4000 contribution from the Parish Council combined with £4000 from the Local Area Measures Allowance.



Equalities and Diversity




Crime and Disorder

The measures will improve the problem of inappropriate driving within the estate.


Possible improvements in residential amenity.

Human Rights


Localities and Rurality

As detailed in report.

Young People

Potential safety improvements.


Consultation on the traffic calming measures has been carried out.





 Item 4 - Windsor Street, Trimdon Station.pdf