Meeting documents

Highways Committee (DCC)
Wednesday 13 February 2008

            Meeting: Highways Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 13/02/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A4 Bus Stops: Bower Court and West Terrace, Commercial Road, Coxhoe -


Report of John Richardson, Corporate Director, Environment
1.0 Purpose of the Report

1.1 To consider an objection received in relation to the proposed resiting of a bus stop. 2.0 Background

2.1 Bower Court is a recently constructed development which was built on the site of a former commercial garage. There was a bus stop outside of the garage which consisted of a bus stop flag attached to a lighting column. When the site was being redeveloped the developer contacted the Public Transport Section and suggested that it was not safe to keep the bus stop in use during the construction works. In view of this and in the absence of a safe alternative location it was agreed that the stop could be removed for the duration of the works. On completion of the works, the developer omitted to reinstate the bus stop, a fact remedied by the Integrated Transport Unit (ITU) as soon as staff were made aware of the issue. In the process it was noticed that the plate was also missing from the other stop of the pair, which is situated opposite the access road to the civic amenities site. 2.2 After the plate had been replaced on the stop at Bower Court a number of residents contacted the County Council saying that the location of the stop was no longer appropriate following the redevelopment of the site. As a result a Bus Stop Consultative Meeting was held on 13 December 2007 to consider the locations of both bus stops of the pair. In the case of the stop at Bower Court it was agreed that it is too close to the entrance to Bower Court, with the result that buses stopping at the stop block the entry to/exit from Bower Court. It was agreed that the bus stop should be relocated approximately 60 metres further north adjacent to the corner of the field next to Bower Court.

2.3 The meeting also considered the location of the bus stop situated opposite the access road to the civic amenities site. While this bus stop has been in its present location for over 25 years, upgrading of the access road to the civic amenities site has resulted in a significant increase in traffic at this junction causing the bus stop to be unsafe on road safety grounds. As a consequence, it was proposed that the bus stop should be relocated approximately 25 metres further north, nearer to the end of West Terrace.

3.0 Objections

3.1 Consultation letters were sent to those residents affected by the proposals (see attached plan).

There was no response to the proposed relocation of the bus stop at Bower Court, but there was one response to the relocation of the bus stop near West Terrace.

Objection 1

The resident of No. 8 West Terrace wrote regarding two problems.
i) That there is a problem with vehicles being parked while their drivers are at the barber’s shop.
ii) That the access to the rear of Nos. 6 to 10 West Terrace is difficult at busy times, and needs to be considered.

Response: The barber’s shop at No. 14 West Terrace is approximately 50 metres north of the proposed location of the bus stop. While the barber’s appears to be popular at times, current parking practice tends not to extend as far as the proposed location of the bus stop and it is considered that there is adequate alternative parking available.

While the access to the rear of Nos. 6 to 10 West Terrace is difficult at busy times, the proposed location of the bus stop is unlikely to affect this.

3.2 It should be noted that there has been no response to the consultation letter from the resident of No. 6 West Terrace, which is the property closest to the proposed bus stop location (about 12 metres away). 4.0 Local Member Consultation

4.1 The Local Member, Councillor Morgan has been consulted and is fully supportive of the proposals.

5.0 Recommendations and Reasons

5.1 That Members note the concerns of the objector. However, on balance, the benefits in terms of road safety and passenger accessibility are considered to outweigh these concerns. Therefore, Members are recommended to set aside the objections and proceed with the relocation of both bus stops as proposed. Background Papers
Office File
Copies of correspondence have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.
Contact: Andy Leadbeater Tel: 0191 372 5377

Appendix1: Implications
Local Government Reorganisation
(Does the decision impact upon a future Unitary Council?)



Bus stop improvements are being funded from LTP2 bus stop infrastructure budget.


No extra staff required.

Equality and Diversity

Improvements to the bus stop will allow access for all to local bus services, particularly for the elderly, disabled, pushchair and wheelchair access.



Crime and Disorder

No implications.


Improvement of bus stops and enforcement of parking will promote and improve the access to public transport for all passengers, in particular the elderly and disabled.

Human Rights

No implications.

Localities and Rurality

As detailed in report.

Young People



County Councillor Morgan, the Police, Arriva, Coxhoe Parish Council, City of Durham Council and residents of West Terrace and Bower Court (see attached plan) were consulted.


No implications.


 Item 4 Coxhoe.pdf;
 Item 4.pdf