Meeting documents

Highways Committee (DCC)
Wednesday 10 December 2008

            Meeting: Highways Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 10/12/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A1 Minutes of the Meetings held on 24 October 2008


Item No 1


At a Meeting of the Highways Committee held at the County Hall, Durham on Friday 24 October 2008 at 10.00 a.m.

Councillor D Morgan in the Chair

Councillors Arthur, Bailey, Blakey, Burn, Burnip, NC Foster, Gittins, Hugill, Johnson, Maddison, Magee, Maslin, Naylor, Nicholls, J Robinson, Southwell, Stradling, Todd, Tomlinson, Walker, Wilkes, B Wilson, Wood, Woods and Wright.

Other Members:
Councillor M Plews, and J Wilkinson.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors A Bainbridge, R Bell, D Farry, D Marshall, J Shiell, and K Thompson.

A1 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2008 were agreed as correct and signed by the Chairman.

A2 Objections to Traffic Regulation Orders advertised for City of Durham District

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Environment regarding the objections received to the advertisement of Traffic Regulation Orders for City of Durham District, the effect of which would be to formalise the existing restrictions (for copy see file of Minutes).

Councillor Southwell, refuted the comment made by the Corporate Director, Environment that the police had turned a blind eye to the illegal parking of a blue badge holder on double yellow lines adjacent to Hopper House. He suggested that it could not be assumed that the police had taken no action against the blue badge holder for parking longer than the three hours maximum to which the holder was entitled. He declared an interest in this as a Member of the Police Authority.

In response to questions from Members as to whether the off street parking at Hopper House would be large enough to accommodate their member of staff who had a blue badge, the Corporate Director, Environment pointed out that there were two options for the employer. One would be to turn the existing 3 bays into 2 disabled bays, and the other to have 2 bays and 1 disabled bay. He assured the Committee that Age Concern could accommodate its employee within its own grounds rather than on the highway.


The report together with the recommendations included therein be approved.

A3 Request for a Puffin Crossing on A182 Front Street, South Hetton

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Environment regarding the outcome of a request to provide a formal light controlled pedestrian crossing on the A182 Front Street, South Hetton (for copy see file of Minutes).

Councillor Wilkes enquired about the extra cost for traffic calming on the adjacent streets if it became apparent that it was required. In response the Corporate Director, Environment suggested that the costs would be in the area of £3/4k, and that they would need to examine where the budget for this would come from and would discuss this with the Local Members about using their budgets.

In response to Councillor Southwell’s suggestion that there be stop signs and appropriate markings on the road to slow down traffic, the Corporate Director, Environment advised that in addition to the zig-zag markings and anti-skid surface they could erect temporary signs for the first six months of its operation.

Councillor Todd advised that in addition to the centres listed in paragraph 2.2 of the report there is an Innovations Centre for adults with learning difficulties who would use the road. This highlighted the need for a pedestrian crossing in that location. He advised that if traffic calming was required on the adjacent roads as in paragraph 2.11 of the report, there are already road humps in place on Frederick Terrace, the main access road to the school.

In response to a question from Councillor C Woods, the Corporate Director, Environment clarified the procedure Members were to follow if they would like a similar scheme in their area.


The report together with the recommendations included therein be approved.


 24 October 2008.pdf