Meeting documents

Highways Committee (DCC)
Wednesday 10 December 2008

            Meeting: Highways Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 10/12/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A2 St Andrews Primary School - Proposed School Keep Clear Markings & Extension to existing'No Waiting & No Loading At Any Time' Restrictions


Report of John Richardson, Corporate Director, Environment
1.0 Purpose of the Report

1.1 To advise Members of the results of the recent consultation with local residents and statutory consultees regarding the proposal to introduce a traffic regulation order for the proposed school keep clear markings.

1.2 To ask Members to consider the objection made during the consultation and decide whether or not to proceed with the introduction of the traffic regulation order.

2.0 Background

2.1 Since May 2007, four separate proposals have been the subject of consultations with local residents, statutory consultees and St Andrews School in an attempt to address the current traffic congestion surrounding the school at school start and finish times.

2.2 Following objections to all three previous proposals, the current solution is seen as a compromise between local residents and the school (a copy of the plan is attached for your information). The proposal shows school keep clear markings on the west side of the lane leading to the school, with the east side of the lane remaining available for public parking.

2.3 It is also proposed to extend the existing ‘no waiting & no loading at any time’ restriction on St Andrews Road around the junction and into the east side of the lane leading to the school. This is intended to prohibit inconsiderate parking around this junction at school start and finish times.

2.4 An objection has been received from the resident of no. 50 St. Andrews

3.0 Objection

3.1 The resident has objected on the grounds that the new parking restrictions will make no difference and people will still park blocking their drive. The resident also wishes their objection to remain unless a parking bay can be provided outside their house, to the right of their drive.

3.2 Response

3.3 Although parking may still occur in this area, the introduction of the traffic regulation order with the restrictions will allow the Police to enforce these restrictions and issue penalties to any offending vehicles that continue to park. Outside the restricted period for the school keep clear markings drivers may park on both sides of the carriageway. The introduction of a parking bay would give the incorrect message to motorists that parking is encouraged in this area. The east side of the lane is to remain unrestricted and this area can be used for parking if required. Residents who have their own driveway should be encouraged to park on their drive to minimise congestion.

4.0 Local Member Consultation

4.1 The Local Members, Councillor Taylor and Councillor Burn have been consulted and offer no objection to the proposal.

5.0 Recommendation and Reasons

5.1 It is RECOMMENDED that the Committee endorse the proposal to set aside the objection and implement the traffic regulation order to cover the school keep clear markings and the extension to the existing ‘no waiting & no loading at any time’ restriction.

Background Papers

Correspondence and Traffic Office File.
Copies of correspondence have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.

Contact: Paul Storey Tel: 0191 383 4143
Appendix 1: Implications

Local Government Reorganisation



The Local Transport Plan Integrated Transport Block (School Travel Planning) budget will be used to fund the associated costs for the implementation of the TRO if considered appropriate.



Equality and Diversity




Crime and disorder



No noticeable effect.

Human rights


Localities and Rurality

As detailed in the report.

Young people



As detailed within the report.



To view appendix 2, please refer to PDF attachment or Hard Copies located in the Record Office or Corporate Services.


 St Andrews Primary School.pdf