Meeting documents

Implementation Executive (DCC)
Friday 4 April 2008

            Meeting: Implementation Executive (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 04/04/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A5 Chief Executive Recruitment


Report of: Kim Jobson, Head of Human Resources

1. Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is to update the Implementation Executive (IE) on progress in relation to the recruitment of the Chief Executive for the new Unitary Authority.

2. Background
At the meeting of the IE on 4 March 2008 a range of proposals were agreed in relation to progressing towards recruiting into this key post following the May 2008 elections. The recruitment consultant Veredus was formally appointed at this meeting as the preferred consultant to work with the IE Sub Group and Human Resource colleagues.

3. Current Position

The local, national and trade press have now reported on the plans for recruitment and have identified this as being the first Chief Executive post of the five new unitary authorities to become formally available for applications. The press reporting has been factual and has not drawn any adverse comments in terms of the plans for progress. This is at a time when there is significant press interest in the recruitment to Chief Executives posts in Local Authorities in general.

As agreed, Veredus has commenced discussions with key stakeholders (including the PCT, Chamber of Commerce, trades unions and District Councils not represented on the IE Sub-Group). These discussions are intended to access more detailed information about stakeholders expectations of the new authority and the challenges a new Chief Executive will face.

The initial press releases are to be followed up with recruitment advertisements spread over a three week period, with the first likely to appear around 17th April. This will cover the trade and national press, complemented by on-line promotion on key recruitment sites and a dedicated ‘microsite’ that can be used to help candidates access detailed information on the post.

There has been a good response as a result of the press releases and Veredus’ search and selection activities even at this early stage, with 11 candidates having entered into discussion with them in relation to the vacancy.

Artwork for the advertisements and ‘microsite’ is currently being produced and will be shared with the IE sub group for information as soon as it is available.

4. Recommendations

The IE is asked to note the contents of this report.

Background Papers

Contact: Tel: Kim Jobson 0191 383 3240
Appendix 1: Implications
Local Government Reorganisation

This activity will seeks to secure an individual into the key officer leadership post for
the new authority


As detailed and agreed in the report of the 4th March 2008 to the Implementation Executive.


Equality and Diversity

All procedures followed in the exercise will be in line with the principles of the eight councils Equality and Diversity policies in relation to recruitment.


Crime and disorder


Human rights

Localities and Rurality

Young people

Trade Unions and individuals will be consulted with where appropriate



 Chief Executive Appointment Item 5.pdf