Meeting documents

Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 26 September 2005

            Meeting: Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 26/09/2005 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A8 Free School Transport - Review of Scrutiny Recommendations


Scrutiny Sub-Committee for the Development of Lifelong Learning

26 September 2005

Free School Transport - Review of Scrutiny Recommendations

Report of Head of Overview and Scrutiny

Purpose of Report

1. To explain that a review of recommendations made by the School Transport Scrutiny Working Group has taken place and to suggest that this project should be considered completed.


2. Last year, a Scrutiny Group chaired by Councillor Michele Hodgson produced a report about the Council’s free school transport policies for pupils of compulsory school age. The investigation into this issue had been prompted by representations made by a number of parents aggrieved by decisions not to provide free transport for their children.

3. The investigation involved direct meetings with parents and discussions with a number of interested parties and consideration of written evidence from a wide cross-section including County MPs. The working group came to the view that the Council’s current policies should not be amended but a number of recommendations for improvement were made.

4. On the 22nd July, the recommendations made by the Scrutiny Working Group were reviewed to assess progress. A copy of the report produced by the Education Service detailing progress in relation to the recommendations is attached. (The leaflets and other documents which were provided to the working group as appendices are not attached but are available for Members who are interested.)

6. The Working Group expressed its satisfaction with the progress made and decided that it was not necessary to have a further review. If further significant issues arise, clearly there is an opportunity to revisit this topic.


7. That you note satisfaction with the outcome of this review and agree that this project should now be considered completed.

Contact: Ian Mackenzie Tel: 0191 383 3506


Councillors Armstrong, Barker, Cox (Chair), Fenwick, Hodgson, Holroyd, Hunter, Iveson, Ord and Pye.

Mrs. Atkinson and Mr. Dormer

5. In relation to the introduction of yellow buses, it was noted that this would be the subject of a report to Cabinet. It was also noted that Investing in Children had organised a transport summit in October last year. The need for consideration of flexibility of school transport was raised at this summit and was passed on to the Education Service


 Item 8pdf.pdf