Meeting documents

Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Monday 19 December 2005

            Meeting: Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 1a - 19/12/2005 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A3 The Forge - Arts Education Agency for County Durham (Report and Presentation)


Scrutiny Sub-Committee for the Development of Lifelong Learning

19 D ECEMBER 2005

The Forge - Arts Education Agency for County Durham

Report of Head of Overview and Scrutiny

Purpose of the Report

1. To provide some background information for a presentation to be given by the Forge about their work in County Durham Schools.


2. The Forge is an Arts in Education Agency for County Durham. Tony Harrington the Director of the Forge will be giving a presentation to the Sub-Committee about the work carried out by the Forge in County Durham Schools. This is very much about raising aspirations and standards for our children including improving education attainment.

3. A short paper giving some more details about the work of the Forge is attached.


4. You are asked to consider the presentation from the Forge which will have links with the performance information about pupils in the county schools.

Contact: Ian Mackenzie Tel: (0191) 383 3506


 The forge pdf.pdf