Meeting documents

Planning Committee (DCC)
Wednesday 20 February 2008

            Meeting: Planning Committee (County Hall, Durham - Committee Room 2 - 20/02/2008 10:00:00 AM)

                  Item: A2 Development by the County Council


Item No 2

Report of Rod Lugg, Head of Environment and Planning

Purpose of the report: To enable the Committee to determine applications for planning permission which have been received in accordance with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992.

Derwentside District: Retention of 2.7 metres high security fence, Stanley School of Technology, Tyne Road, Stanley (Regulation 3)


1 In response to on going security problems, Stanley School of Technology recently erected a new section of fencing along its northern boundary. This was drawn to the attention of the Planning Authority following a complaint and the school was informed that the works needed planning consent. This application seeks to retain the fence.

The Development

2 The fencing is 2.7 metres high and runs 143 metres along the school boundary adjacent to a footpath to the front of properties on Eastfields (see attached plan). It links into existing fencing of a similar height and design along the remainder of the site boundary for which planning permission was granted in 2004. The fence is of steel construction, painted green and designed with contoured vertical bars. The top has been fitted with spiked plastic anti scaling rowels. The fence has replaced a high galvanized steel palisade fence of approximately 1.6 metres. This did not require planning permission as it was below 2 metres in height.

Consultations and Representations

3 Derwentside District Council has no objections to the proposal.

4 The application has been advertised on site and adjacent properties along Eastfields were notified. Two letters of objection have been received from local residents, one of which contains a petition against the development. The petition has six signatories, all of whom reside between 88 and 94 Eastfields. The letters highlight the following concerns:

i) The fence blocks out light to adjacent properties.
ii) The hedge next to the fence will grow unchecked and block out light and the view.
iii) Adjacent houses have been de-valued.
iv) The fence resembles the boundary of a prison.
v) The angled vertical bars of the fence make focusing on the view through it difficult.
vi) The fence is not needed. No one climbed the old fence which was more aesthetically pleasing and secure.
vii) School security would be better achieved through a more cost effective alarm system to the buildings as access will always be found to the grounds.

Planning Comment

5 The development raises detailed issues relating to its impact upon the amenities of adjoining residents. Policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan relating to general development principles is of relevance.

6 Stanley School of Technology is located on a large and relatively open hillside site in South Stanley. The main school buildings lie to the east of the site with sports pitches and playing fields to the west and south. Site levels slope downwards from north to south. The site is bordered to the north by properties on Eastfields and Lindon Road and there is housing to the south and east.

Residential Amenity

7 The new section of fencing matches and completes the coverage of 2.7 metres high fencing around various parts of the site. Some of this is on the site boundary and some of it forms an inner security cordon around the buildings and playing fields. The principle of using this type of fencing has therefore been established by the earlier consent and in the wider visual context it can be appropriately located into the surroundings without adversely affecting the appearance of the area.

8 However, the new section directly faces 17 terraced properties with short, mainly ‘open plan’ front gardens at distances of 6-7 metres. There is doubt over the security benefits of providing the fence in this location as the boundary is closely overlooked and sits at the top of a steep embankment. The footpath is also lit by streetlights and this would not appear to be a particularly vulnerable part of the site. The fence has created an increased sense of enclosure and reduced outlook for some occupiers that enjoy views across the school grounds to rising open land in the distance. These have been disrupted by the taller fencing.

9 Whilst acknowledging the concerns of residents, loss of outlook is not a planning consideration and fencing to a height of 2.0 metres can be installed without the need for planning permission in most instances. There are also no planning restrictions on the height of boundary planting which in this case includes a mix of hedgerow and trees to variable heights on the school side of the fence.

10 Despite its robust construction and overbearing feel on the back edge of the footpath, the fence is coloured a suitable shade of green and ties in with adjacent planting. The vertical bars allow sufficient light penetration such that there is no direct impact on daylight and sunlight levels to the closest windows on neighbouring properties.

11 The screening effect of the fence is likely to change as the hedges grow and become thicker. In order to help address this issue and maintain a relatively open aspect these hedges could be removed from the boundary opposite 88-94 Eastfields subject to the agreement of concerned residents.

Recommendation and Reasons

12 The fence has been installed with the intention of increasing security at the site. Whilst there is some doubt about the benefits of providing this type of fencing on this part of the site it does compliment that used elsewhere. Although the fence affects the outlook of some surrounding occupiers it would have limited overall affect in planning terms on the appearance and residential amenity of the area. I therefore recommend that:
i) Planning permission be granted for the following reason, subject to relevant conditions regarding hedge removal, if and where appropriate.
The fencing by reason of its location, design and colour reflects existing boundary treatment on the site and would not significantly detract from the appearance of the locality or the amenities of surrounding residents. The proposal would accord with Policy GDP1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.
ii) In view of the circumstances that have led to the submission of this planning application:
The school be advised of the Planning Committee’s disappointment and concern that the fence was installed without the benefit of planning permission and reminded of the need to notify the planning authority at the earliest opportunity about intended developments on the site.

No Departure

Background Papers: Application, consultations and responses, site location plans.

Contact: John Byers Tel: 0191 383 3408
Local Member: Councillor Vasey


Chester le Street District: Proposed New Eco Classroom, Fyndoune Community College, Findon Hill, Sacriston (Regulation 3)


1 The proposal involves the construction of a single storey classroom building with a pitched roof (12.8m long, 9.3m wide and 5.1m to ridgeline) on a grassed area between the existing sports hall and classrooms on the western side of the site (see attached plan). The building is designed to be eco friendly and would incorporate straw bales in the walls and railway sleepers as the foundations. The roof would be constructed using salvaged timber and reclaimed slates. The elevations would be covered externally in lime render and painted cream. The 8 no. windows would be constructed using soft wood obtained from a sustainable source. The building would be positioned on an area formerly occupied by class rooms which were demolished in 2000. 2 The building would be DDA compliant and a brick and concrete ramp would be formed at the entrance to the building to enable disabled access. Additionally a fire exit with 2 no. steps in similar materials would be positioned on the building’s eastern elevation.

3 Access to the building would be gained from existing footpaths within the school grounds and the development is not expected to generate significant additional vehicular or pedestrian movements to the site once completed.

Consultation and Representations 4 Chester le Street District Council (consulted 07 January 2008) view is not yet available.

5 Sacriston Parish Council (consulted 07 January 2008) has not commented on the proposal.

6 The application has been advertised on site. No representations have been received.

Planning Comment

7 The proposed building would be located on an established school site within the settlement boundary of Sacriston and is not specifically covered by current policies in the Chester le Street District Local Plan. Detailed planning considerations include its siting and appearance and impacts on the site and the surrounding area.

Visual Appearance

8 Fyndoune Community College is made up of a series of buildings of largely CLASP type construction. The proposed building would have a simple design and would relate acceptably in terms of scale, form and appearance to surrounding structures. It would be situated on an area that has previously been used as a location for school classrooms and is largely enclosed to the rear of the site by existing buildings and boundary planting. The incorporation of key sustainable development principles in the design is supported in planning terms.

Residential Amenity

9 The closest residential properties to the proposed building lie approximately 100m to the north on Abbey Mews. It would be set back above these properties and screened at distance by boundary planting and existing school buildings. Other properties on Findon Hill, over 200m away, to the east (front) of the school site would not have views of the proposed eco classroom. It is not considered therefore that the amenity of adjacent residents would be adversely affected. Recommendation and Reasons

10 The proposed building would provide additional educational facilities at the school and would be constructed in accordance with sustainable construction principles. It would be located on a grassed area previously occupied by buildings and can be satisfactorily accommodated without having an adverse visual or local amenity impact. I therefore recommend that planning permission be granted for the development subject to appropriate conditions regarding precise details of external materials for the following reasons:

i) The proposed development would be located on an established school site within the settlement boundary of Sacriston and would not conflict with development plan policies. ii) The proposed building in terms of its size, location and appearance would relate acceptably to the surrounding area and would have not have a significant impact upon visual or residential amenity. No Departure

Background Papers: Application, consultations and responses, site location plans.

Contact: John Byers 0191 383 3408
Local Member: Councillor Wright


City of Durham District: Retention of kitchen extract/ventilation equipment, Nevilles Cross Primary School, Relly Path, Nevilles Cross, Durham (Regulation 3)


1 In order to comply with current legislation (gas safety regulations - removing products of combustion) external ductwork is required on the kitchen roof of the school to disperse heat and fumes and bring clean air into the kitchen. The development relates to this equipment which has already been installed.

The Development

2 The Primary School is located just to the east of the A167, Nevilles Cross/Crossgate Peth Road Junction. It comprises of single storey buildings that are bordered to the south and east by residential development, a laundry to the north east and playing fields to the west. Two sections of external ductwork measuring approximately 0.5m (width) x 0.9m (height) and approximately 10m in length have been installed on a flat roof above the kitchen. The ductwork is arranged in a linear pattern that runs parallel to the southern edge of the roof and is set back about 3.5m from the edge of the building. The ductwork currently has a galvanised steel finish but is to be coloured grey.

Consultations and Representations

3 City of Durham District Council objects to the proposal on the grounds that in the absence of appropriate emissions mitigation guidance and in view of the visual prominence of the proposed plant, the proposals are contrary to Policy H13 of the City of Durham Local Plan
Comment: Policy H13 states that planning permission will not be granted for developments having a significant effect upon the character or appearance of residential areas or residential amenity. For reasons outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7 it is considered that the ductwork has limited overall impact on its surroundings. Noise from the equipment is calculated to be at a level of 40db at distances of 3m away and would not be a nuisance to the occupiers of the nearest residential properties approximately 30m away on Relly Path. The equipment also has low emissions levels and would not cause significant pollution.

4 The application has been advertised on site and adjoining residential properties notified. No representations have been received.

Planning Comment

5 The proposal involves the installation of a functional piece of equipment on an existing school building. It raises detailed issues relating to its siting, design and appearance and impact upon the amenities of the surrounding area. Policy U6 of the City of Durham Local Plan relating to developments aimed at preventing pollution is of relevance.

6 The school is a nineteenth century red brick building with a later (1970s) and significant brown coloured brick extension to the west of this. The extension is primarily a single storey, flat roofed structure consisting of the main entrance, kitchens and school hall that has a higher mono pitched roof. The ventilation equipment is positioned on part of the flat roofed extension area and although it has introduced additional clutter on the roof, it is relatively low lying and set against the school hall when seen from the south.

7 The nearest properties are situated approximately 30m away to the south and although some occupiers have views of the ventilation equipment especially from first floor level, these are mainly at oblique angles. The equipment is screened from properties further away to the south east on Nevilles Cross Bank by the nineteenth century school building and dwellings on Relly Path. The school’s playing field lies to the north west of the equipment with an extended area of open land behind. It is not therefore considered that the proposal would have a significant impact on visual or residential amenity.

Recommendation and Reasons

8 The proposed ductwork is required to improve ventilation in the school’s kitchen in compliance with current legislation. Although it has limited visual appeal as an item of equipment, in view of its overall size, location and colour it does not significantly detract from the appearance of the existing school buildings or the visual amenities of adjacent residents and the neighbouring area. I therefore recommend that:
i) Planning permission be granted for the following reason, subject to a relevant condition concerning the colour of the equipment:
The ductwork is required to improve ventilation in the school kitchen and having regard to its scale, location and colour would not significantly detract from the appearance of the existing school building or the visual amenities of surrounding residential properties and the local area. The development would accord with Policy U6 of the City of Durham Local Plan.

ii) The Director of Corporate Services be advised of the Planning Committee’s concern that the development was carried out before the submitted planning application for the works was determined and that relevant staff be reminded of the need to comply with planning requirements.

No Departure

Background Papers: Application, consultations and responses, site location plans.

Contact John Byers 0191 383 3408
Local Member: Councillor Martin



 Item 2 Nevilles Cross School.pdf;
 Item 2 Fyndoune.pdf;
 Item 2 Stanley-fencing.pdf