Meeting documents

Council (CleS)
Thursday 20 December 2007 6.00 pm

Issue - Meetings

Report from the Leader of the Council

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Meeting: 20/12/2007 - Council (Item 106)

Report from the Leader of the Council


The Leader welcomed visitors and guests and congratulated them on their well deserved success.  Councillor Ebbatson then proceeded to give an update on Local Government Review.


  • We are now looking at two ‘transition’ periods
    1. from late January - May elections
    2. from May 2008 - April  2009


The first will be overseen by an Implementation Executive.  The second by the new Executive of the new authority post election.


§         Under the Implementation Orders only the Chief Executive is required to be appointed under open competition.


§         Brian Dinsdale has been appointed by Durham County Council as Programme Director until April 2008.


§         The County Council Policy Unit has drafted a paper on Councillor Roles and a Council Overview.


§         The County Council is also attempting to set up a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee made up of 8 Members from the County Council, 7 from the Districts and 1 Liberal Democrat, 1 Independent and 1 Conservative.  The purpose is to scrutinise the Implementation Executive.


§         The County Policy Unit has drafted a prospectus aimed at encouraging people to become Councillors in the new authority.  Distribution is expected in mid-January.


§         The Senior Officers Group (or Joint Implementation Team) continues to meet to work on the Implementation Programme.


§         Meanwhile our dreams and aspirations are ‘like apples on the Dead Sea shore’, “all ashes to the taste”.


The Leader stated that every challenge was also an opportunity and as a Council we have always looked for positive outcomes.


She advised that the Council had just over a year to make a difference here in Chester-le-Street and as elected representatives of the District the promises made in May, to serve the residents, to serve the electorate, still hold good for each of us.


In conclusion, the Leader said that priorities may change, and she would be asking Members to consider them afresh in the New Year, but our focus on working for the benefit of local residents simply becomes clearer and more imperative.