Decision details

RES 5506 - Advice in County Durham Partnership Support Arrangements – Welfare Assistance Reserve Funding Request (Table 1, Paragraph 4(d)) (Part A)

Service: Resources

Ref no.: RES 5506

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


That the Corporate Director of Resources, utilising the delegated powers afforded powers to the Corporate Director of Resources under Table 1 Paragraph 4 subsection D of the Council’s Constitution and in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder approves the use of Welfare Assistance Reserve to:


a) Support a proposal to allocate funding to extend the Partnership Support Officer role at DCC Grade 9 for a year until March 31, 2026;

b) Support a proposal to allocate further funding of £50,000 to enable and support membership development work via Durham Community Action on behalf of AiCD;

c) Fund the costs of these proposals from Earmarked Reserves set aside to fund Poverty Strategy and Action Plan initiatives.

Publication date: 02/01/2025

Date of decision: 23/12/2024

Accompanying Documents: