Decision details

NCC 3592 - Serve Notice under Section 291 of the Highways Act 1980 to enable the completion of reinstatement work following the demolition of Leazes Footbridge (Paragraph 9 Table 7) (Part A)

Service: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change

Ref no.: NCC 3592

Decision Maker: Strategic Highways Manager

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


That the Council enter onto a private landowner’s land to enable the following work to be undertaken following the demolition of Leazes Footbridge:


·      General site clearance including removal of remaining debris from demolition of footbridge and existing facing stone to remaining section of boundary wall.

·      Excavation of small trench along front face of existing boundary wall (up to 0.5m width) for underpinning and extension of existing concrete foundation.

·      Localised reinstatement of paving flags around existing boundary wall and former location of footbridge pier together with replacement of damaged flags used to form copings of lower dwarf wall and roof of gas house as required.

·      Reconstruction of boundary wall between private land and highway including erection of temporary scaffolding.

·      Importing topsoil to make good verge to front face of boundary wall.

·      Parking of site vehicles along access road within private land (during working hours only).


and Legal Services are instructed to ensure that the necessary legal formalities are completed.


Publication date: 27/01/2025

Date of decision: 08/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: