Decision details

RES 5551 - Staindrop Church of England Primary School - School Loans Scheme (Table 7 Paragraph 25) (Part A)

Service: Resources

Ref no.: RES 5551

Decision Maker: Corporate Director of Resources

Decision status: Recommendations Approved


Staindrop Church of England Primary School has applied for a loan of £22,000, repayable over 7 years. Annual repayments of the loan would be £3,887, which would be funded from savings on energy costs arising from installation of solar panels.


The loan application complies with the school loan scheme approved by Cabinet on 19 January 2022, includes support from Education, the Low Carbon Team. The loan can be accommodated in terms of the financial position of the school.

Publication date: 27/01/2025

Date of decision: 24/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: