Agenda and minutes

Durham Darlington and Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby STP Joint Health Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 1 December 2016 1.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Council Chamber, Hambleton District Council, Northallerton DL6 2UU

Contact: Stephen Gwillym, Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Durham County Council  03000 268 140

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillors W Newall, J Taylor and H Scott (Darlington Borough Council)

Councillors Akers-Belcher, R Cook, R Martin-Wells (Hartlepool Borough Council)

Councillor J Walker (Middlesbrough Council)

Councillor N Cooney (Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council)

Councillor L Hall and A Mitchell (Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council)


Substitute Members


Councillor L Tostevin (Darlington Borough Council)

Councillors O Temple (Durham County Council)

Councillor M Vickers (Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council)


To receive any Declarations of Interest by Members


None recorded.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To receive and approve the minutes of the Better Health Programme Joint Health Scrutiny Committee held on 13 October 2016


Minutes accepted subject to the addition of the names of those Stockton Councillors who were present at the meeting.


Sustainability and Transformation Plans - Publication pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To consider the attached cover report of the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Durham County Council and an associated presentation by Alan Foster, Chief Executive of North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and STP lead for Durham, Darlington and Tees ;Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby STP


Ali Wilson, Hartlepool and Stockton CCG delivered a presentation in respect of the formal publication of the draft Durham, Darlington and Tees; Hambelton, Richmondshire and Whitby Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).


The Draft STP plan had been published on 24 November 2016 and was available on the respective CCG websites. The Committee were advised that NHS England has not yet given feedback on the plan. 


Ali Wilson set the national context for the introduction of STPs and the challenges that they are intended to meet.


The presentation stated that the STP is not about cuts to funding and that funding to the NHS is increasing but these increases are being outstripped by increases in demand and rising costs of interventions.


The Better Health Programme Board had recognised that the initial work on STPs had been NHS led but that it required a broad partnership of agencies and organisations if it is to deliver improved health outcomes for people.


Ali Wilson reported that the STP offers opportunities for significant economies of scale to be achieved in the delivery of health services.


It was noted that the footprint had been amended to reflect North Durham CCG moving across into the STP for Northumberland, Tyne and Wear.  The total population covered by the STP is now 1.1million.


Four priority areas were identified within the STP, NAMELY:


           Preventing ill health and increasing self-care – identification of those at risk, screening, early intervention and prevention

           Health and care in communities and neighbourhoods – integrated community teams, improved access to mental health services (throughout the life course), rapid response to prevent hospitalisation

           Quality of care in our hospitals – most routine procedures kept as local as possible, specialist/emergency services available 24/7, reduce cancellations of operation, improve outcomes

           Use of technology – to support people in more remote, rural areas and to promote people living independently in their own home.


The financial challenge was stated to be a projected deficit of £281 million in 2021, if nothing different is done.


Ali Wilson outlined the engagement that had been undertaken to date with members of the public and key stakeholders.


Public concerns raised included: safety; transport; access to primary care; access to mental health services; and hospital discharges.


Formal, public consultation planned for June or July in 2017.  In the interim, the Respective partners were seeking ‘transformation funding’ from NHS England to enable the implementation of the STP, once agreed.


Members of the Committee then asked a range of questions about the draft STP plan, as summarised below:


A question by a Member for Middlesbrough Borough Council was raised about the financial assumptions, specifically how the current tariffs for planned and urgent care affected decision making and whether the resulting re-distribution of funding was fair.  In response, Ali Wilson outlined that an “in principle” agreement was being developed between commissioners and providers so that future service commissioning will be based upon a more equitable, system-wide payment approach.


Ali Wilson agreed to provide further  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Better Health Programme - Phase 4 Engagement Feedback pdf icon PDF 778 KB

To consider the attached engagement summary reports from the Better Health programme engagement events.


Presentation – Representatives of the Better Health Programme will give a presentation to the Joint Committee updating members in respect of the key findings and issues identified as part of the Phase 4 Engagement

Additional documents:


The Committee considered feedback reports produced as part of the Phase 4 Engagement process in respect of:-


           Engagement with the Voluntary and Community Sector across the BHP footprint produced by Voluntary Organisations’ Network North East (VONNE)

           Engagement with frail elderly people living in care produced by Groundwork North East and Cumbria

           Engagement with Children and Young people in North and South Durham produced by the County Durham Health Group for Investing in Children.


Members were also given a short presentation summarising the key findings and responses obtained from the aforementioned engagement.


Cllr Jim Clark raised a query about the cost of the engagement process to date in respect of the Better Health Programme.


Edmund Lovell stated that in 2016/17 a total of £0.5 million had been allocated for engagement purposes although this was currently underspent as the formal, public consultation had not taken place in November as previously anticipated.


Another series of public engagement events are planned in January, February and March 2017.


In response to the presentation by Edmund Lovell, committee members raised a number of issues.


Cllr Sonia Bailey questioned whether there had been any engagement with carers of older people.


Edmund Lovell confirmed that there has been some but more discussions with carers were needed.


Cllr John Blackie noted the breadth and depth of work of Edmund and his team and the work that they were doing to engage with a diverse range of different members of the public.  He also asked that the requirement that people register for an event be removed as it may serve as a dis-incentive.


Cllr Jan Taylor noted the importance of children’s mental health.


The Chairman asked that people’s views on community hospitals be sought in any future engagement exercise.


Cllr Jim Clark noted the lack of engagement in and around the North York Moors and Whitby areas.


A representative of the North East Empowerment and Diversity Group referenced the “Hartlepool Matters” report and asked how that sits with the Better Health programme. Dr Posmyk stated that this document was a key element of the ongoing work needed to ensure Health and Social Care integration within Hartlepool Borough.


Resolved that the information be noted.


Chairman's urgent items


The Chairman had no urgent items.


Any other business


There had been no items identified.


Date and time of next meeting

Thursday 19 January 2017 at 2.00 p.m. – Redcar and Cleveland Council – Venue to be confirmed


Thursday 19 January 2017 at 2.00 p.m. – Redcar and Cleveland Council

Venue to be confirmed


The meeting ended at 4.00pm.