Agenda and minutes

Bishop Auckland Stronger Town Board - Monday 18 March 2024 3.30 pm

Venue: Conference Suite, Spanish Gallery, Bishop Auckland

Contact: Kirsty Charlton  03000 269705

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies were received from Susan Robinson, Amy Harhoff, Mike Matthews and Karen Graham.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 213 KB



Declarations of interest


R Yorke declared that he was the Chair of The Auckland Project (TAP).

D Maddan declared TAP’s interest DDG, Kingsway Square, Market Place Hotel, ESAC and Artists’ Hub.


J Layfield and S Hope declared an interest in the Springboard to Employment Project as employees of Bishop Auckland College, a delivery partner in the initiative.



Programme Update DCC / Project Sponsors


The Board received a presentation which updates on the following items (see slides for details).


a)    ESAC

b)    Town Centre Diversification

c)    Durham Dales Gateway

d)    South Church Enterprise Park

e)    Springboard to Employment

f)     Heritage Walking and Cycling

g)    Tindale Triangle



With regards to ESAC and the Bishop Gateway, C McLennan advised that communications would be issued prior to ground investigations to explain the benefits of the project.  In response to a question from the Chair he advised that there were significant costs due to EVCP standards at 5% which would equate to around 600 spaces in a car park which was essentially an overflow and would result in a lot of spaces that were not used.


With regards to the Public Realm, C MacLennan advised that preliminary design proposals had been provided to the Town Council and were ready for design details.  The biggest risk was the traffic order which only required a minimum amount of objections to trigger a public enquiry.  A couple of businesses had expressed a preference for vehicular access on evenings.


C MacLennan advised that the improved lighting scheme in the marketplace could proceed immediately with board approval and provided further details regarding the design and installation.  In response to concerns from Councillor Zair regarding the use of generators during events, C MacLennan advised that consideration would be given to the installation of lighting columns and ongoing maintenance.


The Board received further updates on Durham Dales Gateway and South Church Enterprise Park which had been considered by Cabinet in March.


With regards to Springboard to Employment, J Layfield advised that work had started however there was a delay waiting for birds eggs to hatch.


C MacLennan confirmed that there was an opportunity for a joint consult with the public realm work given the route through North Newgate Street however one had the inclusion of a TRO which would require a wider consultation.




The Board agreed to proceed with the lighting installation in the marketplace.



Town Centre Diversification

a)    Artists Hub – variation in events delivery proposal (paper to follow)


Art Hub


The Chair advised that a paper had been circulated earlier in the day with proposals for TAP to refurbish number 43 Market Place (an unused/vacant property) into an artist’s hub, which would in turn support the creation of an artists-led community, supporting the development of local artists, curators and communities, through the provision of space for creative practice, curatorial opportunities, performance, and an ambitious artist-led program of various scaled events in the town, exhibitions, projects and activity.  The reason for this submission is that what had started off as three year project only had two years remaining for completion.  G Wood advised the Board that there was a formal process to go through in terms of funding.


D Maddan was invited to present the report and advised that the deadline to deliver the original project was at 24 months and therefore there had been some adjustments to it would be delivered.  The outputs would remain the same, but reached it in a different way.  The changes were within the 30% local delegation tolerance and therefore there was no requirement for change request from DLUHC.


Two promotional videos had been made and one which was aimed at visitors was viewed by the Board.  In response to a question from Councillor Scott, D Madden advised that a second video had been made, which was aimed at businesses.  The Chair advised that the videos would be shared on social media in 20-30 second clips.  Referring to a recent County Council survey on empty shops in town centres, Bishop Auckland had come second to Peterlee.  In his opinion, generating footfall had to be a priority.  R Yorke added that positive feedback had been received on the videos.  D Maddan advised that the videos were easily edited.


J Gilroy advised that as the changes would result in amendments to Captial/Revenue expenditure, further cost information would need to be submitted to DLUHC to ensure that the changes were acceptable.  This was not a straightforward process.  D Maddan advised that the targets would still be achievable if the costs remained at 600k for revenue and £300k for capital.  In response to questions from S Harris, D Maddan assured the Board that the project could be delivered within the restricted timescales and TAP would collaborate with all partners, including the Town Council.


S Harris asked for assurances that events would be free to attend.  R Yorke suggested that it was more important to create a sustainable events programme to continue without having to rely on funding and ticketed events may need to be held in order to do so.  D Maddan confirmed that the end goal was to entice visitors and increase economic benefits and any ticket sales would be discretionary.  This was an opportunity to launch a sustainable events programme and should not be constrained to free events.


Councillor Zair was concerned at the 12 months lost and was not comfortable being asked to approve significant financial changes having only had sight of the report  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


DLUCH Discovery Visit ad Governance Review


The Board were advised that a successful visit from DLUHC who had agreed to provide a consultant to assist with the Governance Review which would not result in any cost.  The exercise would take 10-12 weeks and it was intended that recommendations would be considered at the next meeting.  Board representatives were invited to join discussions.


The Board agreed that R Yorke, S Harris and N Turner would assist in the Governance Review.



Date of Next Meeting

·      Monday 10 June 2024

·      Monday 9 September 2024

·      Monday 9 December 2024 


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 10 June 2024.