Agenda and minutes

Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee - Friday 29 July 2011 9.30 am

Venue: Mountsett Crematorium, Dipton, Stanley, Durham. View directions

Contact: Lucy Stephenson Tel: 0191 3836644 

No. Item


Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th June 2011. pdf icon PDF 42 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 17th June 2011 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Declarations of Interest, if any.


There were no declarations of interest submitted.


Report of the Superintendent & Registrar pdf icon PDF 112 KB


The Superintendent and Registrar presented the report which provided Members with a quarterly update relating to performance and other operational matters. The report further outlined proposals for the introduction of a pre payment cremation bond for service users (for copy see file of minutes).


With regard to performance, the Superintendent and Registrar reported that since the report had been produced a further 16 cremations had been undertaken in July, therefore a there was a total increase of 38 cremations during the quarter, in comparison to the same period last year.


The Superintendent further reported that the Crematorium had now received recycling bins for the recycling of Orthopaedic Implants and Non-Ferrous metals, this would go some way to reducing the carbon footprint of the crematorium. It was also reported that during a visit form ADT (security) a recommendation had been made to upgrade the CCTV equipment at a cost of £1475.00 which would enhance the picture quality of the system already in place. The Superintendent advised however that the current system was still usable and felt that there was no real need to have the system updated.


Members agreed that if the current system was fit for purpose then the recommendation by ADT should not be implemented.


The Bereavement Services Manager then proceeded to provide details of the Green Flag Award scheme for parks and green spaces in the UK. It was reported that the Central Durham Crematorium was entered for the 2011 award and results were expected at the end of July, with that Mountsett was also felt to be of an excellent standard where a Green Flag application could be made if a management plan was produced for the site to be judged against. If successful a Green Flag would be awarded in 2012.


It was noted that very little investment would be required apart form the continuation of general repairs and maintenance to the grounds, in addition there was a small fee associated with the application being approximately £175. Members agreed that the Crematorium should put forward an application for 2012. It was therefore agreed that a management plan be developed and brought back to the committee identifying any future development needs.


The Head of Finance, HR & Business Support, Neighbourhood Services advised that the proposal would also align to the internal audit plan as presented at an earlier meeting.


The Bereavement Services Manager then went on advise members of proposals to introduce a Pre-Payment Cremation Bond scheme which would help secure future business, sold as a premium to the standard cremation charges.. It was therefore proposed that this be set at £100 above the current total cremation fee plus a £20 administration fee which would equate to a circa 20% premium, being reviewed annually alongside all Fees and Charges.


In providing some background to the proposals it was reported that there was a large number of Pre-Payment Funeral Plans taken out by the public, offered by many Funeral Directors in the area. One problem that Funeral  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Proposals for a Memorial Garden. pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Report of the Superintendent & Registrar.


The Bereavement Services Manager presented the report which set out proposals for the creation of a memorial garden, within the grounds of Mountsett Crematorium (for copy see file of minutes).


Members had in advance of the meeting taken a site visit to the proposed areas and details of the Options had been outlined as follows:-


Option 1


The construction of 3 walls (each 3 metres) which would be angled to be in keeping with the octagonal book of remembrance building, which would provide the opportunity for memorial plaques to be installed on both side of the wall providing space for 270 plaques. This 9 metre wall would also provide 38 metres of edge and the potential for up to 152 vases or up to 63 columbarium depending on the number of each sold.


Indicative costs were and details of the works required were outlined in Appendix 4, works were estimated at £48,000 for the initial construction.


The potential sales for a wall of this size ranged dependent on due the number of vases or columbarium’s sold and was estimated at between £69,000 and £89,000 if full range sold. This would then provide an overall surplus of between £21,000 and £41,000.


Option 2


To utilise the existing exterior walls of the book of remembrance buildingand would be a quick and no cost way of allowing memorial plaques without having the need for any capital expenditure and would give Members  of the Joint Committee an indication of the demand from the public at Mountsett.


There are 8 walls surrounding the building which are each 1.2m long that would be suitable for placing these memorials. Each wall could accommodate 18 small memorial plaques meaning that if all 8 sides were taken up then this would equate to 144 plaques. To ensure the building is suitable for this arrangement a survey had been carried out and confirmed it was suitable.


The potential net income for this wall was estimated at £21,000 for 144 plaques over the ten year period. Due to the width of the path currently there was limited scope to offer vases or columbarium.


If Members were wishing to offer vases or columbarium then the pathway would require extending in order to accommodate these and to provide pedestrian access around the building, this was estimated at £6,000 for the initial construction of the pathway.


It was proposed that the income generated could be placed in a memorial garden earmarked reserve in order to purchase vase blocks/columbarium units in the future.


In conclusion the Bereavement Services Manager advised that by selecting Option 2, there would be no initial outlay to provide memorial plaques as it would utilise the existing facilities. It was also noted that Option 2 would generate the same net income at the lower estimates over the life of the memorial walls and subsequently carried the least risk.


As part of the initiative to improve and extend services at the Crematorium, it was further proposed that a brochure be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


QTR 1 Budgetary Control Report & Projected Outturn. pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Joint Report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services and Corporate Director, Resources.


The Head of Finance, HR & Business Support presented the report set out details of income and expenditure in the period 1 April 2011 to 30 June 2011, together with the provisional outturn position for 2011/12, and highlighting areas of over / underspend against the revenue budgets at a service expenditure analysis level.


The report further detailed the funds and reserves of the Joint Committee at 1 April 2011 and initial outturn position at 31 March 2012, taking in to account the provisional financial outturn.


The Head of Finance, HR and Business Support advised that the report provided a prudent forecast at this stage with regards to expenditure and income.


He then went on to provide and explanation of significant variances between original budget and forecast outturn as follows:-


Employees – A saving of £5,050 was anticipated against the approved budget. The savings were a result of revised shift working patterns that were implemented last year but which were not currently reflected in the base employees budget.


Agency and Contracted – As a result of the revised working practices / duties undertaken by the crematorium staff during 2010/11 it is anticipated that an element of the Grounds Maintenance budget would not be required during 2011/12. However it was reported that an element had been retained to cover the anticipated costs in relation to winter maintenance and snow clearing. A saving of £7,000 was therefore anticipated.


Earmarked Reserves – Contributions from the revenue surplus towards earmarked reserves were forecast to be £12,050 additionla to budget. This was a result of savings from employee working patterns and the subsequent saving from the Grounds Maintenance budget.


The retained reserves of the Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee at 31 March 2012 were forecast to be £386,004 representing a £82,550 (31% increase) over the opening position at 1 April 2011.


Members added that this was an excellent report which highlighted efficient management of the Crematorium by the team.


Councillor Johnson also added his compliments with regard to the excellent maintenance of the grounds and commended the staff who were responsible for its maintenance.


RESOLVED: That the contents of the revenue spend financial monitoring report April to June 2011, with associated provisional outturn and forecasted earmarked reserve balances at 31 March 2012 be noted.