Agenda and minutes

Spennymoor Town Board - Wednesday 17 April 2024 3.00 pm

Venue: Livin', Farrell House, A2 Arlington Way, Spennymoor, DL16 6NL - Meeting Room. View directions

Contact: Jo March  Email:

No. Item


Chair Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed everyone to the first Spennymoor Town Board meeting and introductions were made.


The Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth provided the Board with the background to the allocated government funding for the Long Term Plan for Towns (LTPT) programme.



LTPT Governance and Operational Arrangements pdf icon PDF 676 KB


The Board considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration Economy and Growth which set out the governance arrangements for the formation and operation of the Board, to ensure compliance with the established programme guidance. The report also set out working arrangements to ensure effective Board operations including the communication of Board related activities (for copy see file of minutes).


The Economic Development Manager provided the Board with a detailed presentation that focused on:


·      Government Guidance and Key Requirements;

·      Board Composition;

·      Terms of Reference;

·      Code of Conduct;

·      Communications Strategy and Equality and Diversity Strategy;

·      Next Steps.


The Board discussed the governance arrangements and queried the funding timeline, report sharing and the decision making process. 


It was noted that the approval process of the official statement would be quick and the funding timeline would depend on certain circumstances. Activities that provided value for money and standard investment planswould receive approval within 6 to 8 weeks, however anything contentious in terms of activities may be a longer process for approval. It was expected that the first investment approval would be received by the end of September 2024. There was flexibility in terms of how the money could be used therefore work could be undertake within the first three-year cycle then could build the bigger programmes later in the process.


It was highlighted that the communications strategy should be more specific to the Town Board to provide more clarity. The Economic Development Manager explained that Durham County Council had capacity to provide support for the Boards messaging and government guidance had an expectation to also reference how the communications strategy reflected wider organisation in terms of the regeneration agenda and wider activity in the county. He advised that the document would be revised to provide more clarity.


The Economic Development Manager provided clarity in relation to the Board membership and advised that the membership table in the Terms of Reference document would be amended to show the organisation providing representation to the Board.


With regards to decision making authority, The Economic Development Manager advised that the forward plan indicated the issues to be discussed at future meetings and Working Groups would operate around different themes, therefore the issues that may impact organisations would be telegraphed in advance and would be managed thought out the process. The Chair added that the lead up to decisions being made would be discussed in advance via Working Groups and discussions would take place outside Board meetings. Decisions would have to be made at key milestone points of the process and there would be a degree of delegation. With regards to press communication and operating within governance constraints, it was noted that press communication would be the responsibility of the Chair of the Board and Cabinet Portfolio Holder as representative for the Accountably Body.


With regards to ensuring consistency when determining the visioning document and investment strategy, it was suggested that deputy representatives be provided.


With regards to publishing papers and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Programme Update pdf icon PDF 418 KB


The Board considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration Economy and Growth which provided an overview of the Long-Term Plan for Towns Programme and set out the actions and activities initiated to ensure a Town vision and accompanying 3 Year investment plan can be submitted to Government by 1 August 2024 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Economic Development Manager provided the Board with a detailed presentation that focused on:


·      Core Investment Themes: Safety and Security, High Streets Heritage and Regeneration and Transport and Connectivity;

·      Vision Statement and Aims;

·      Specialist Co-Design Consultancy Support;

·      Consultation Activity and Community Engagement;

·      Next Steps.


With regards to a query regarding the accessibility audit, the Economic Development Manager advised that initial focus would be within the town centre and other accessibility issues would be picked up as part of the wider footprint of the Long-Term Plan area. A more detail map of the boundary area was on Durham County Councils website and would be circulated to Board Members.


It was noted that a lot of work had been undertaking by the PCC, DCC and  partner agencies with regards to antisocial behaviour and would be beneficial to link in with programmes already established and other areas of match funding.


With regards to consultation and community engagement, the Economic Development Manager advised that the questionnaire was a community dialogue which would be monitored and fed into the Working Groups and then reported to the Board to help form the vision and investment plan. It was requested that Board Members contact the Project Manager if they were involved in any large-scale activities or events where there would be an opportunity to consult the public. It was noted that consultancy specialists would engage with key stakeholders, the Youth Council and Board Members individually.


The Chair suggested that a framework would be useful to allow Board Members to seek views from their organisation prior to those discussions. He added that the halfway analysis would be very useful in providing a perspective on the issues raised. 



That the recommendations in the report be agreed.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 178 KB


The Board received a report that suggested the forward plan of meetings of the Board and agenda items (for copy see file of minutes).


With regards to Working Groups, the Economic Development Manager asked that Board Members contact the Project Manager with regards to involvement in a particular area of Working Group arrangements. Organisations have been identified and details would be circulated. Board Members were welcome to suggest further organisation or stakeholder representation within the themed areas.


It was proposed that future Board meetings be held at Livin’ at 3.00 pm.




Any Other Business


Declarations of Interest Forms


Board Members were asked to return Declaration of Interest forms within two weeks in order for them to be published on the website.


The Economic Development Manager added that Board Members would be listed on the website and requested a photograph be provided.


Date of Next Meeting


5 June 2024 at 3.00 pm.