Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham. View directions
Contact: Martin Tindle
03000 269 713
Note: Anyone wishing to attend this meeting or any other committee meeting should email our Committee Services Team
No. |
Item |
1. |
Apologies for Absence
2. |
Substitute Members
3. |
Minutes PDF 271 KB
4. |
Declarations of Interest
5. |
Applications to be determined by the Area Planning Committee (Central and East)
5a |
DM/20/03760/FPA - First to Third Floors 4 - 6 Silver Street, Durham, DH1 3RB PDF 977 KB
Partial change of use
to create 58 bed Student Accommodation Facility to include the
erection of a single storey extension to existing roof and
associated access arrangements (amended title) (updated elevation
and floor plan to south west).
Additional documents:
5b |
DM/20/01479/FPA - Land To The North Of 28 North Terrace, Seaham, SR7 7EU PDF 920 KB
Erection of 1no. 4 storey building comprising of 3no. units (use
class E (a)(b)(c) or Sui Generis (drinking establishment)) to
ground floor, 1no. unit (use class E(d) to first and second floor
and 4no. residential units (C3) ancillary to the commercial units
to third floor (amended description).
Additional documents:
5c |
DM/21/02279/FPA - 26 May Street, Durham, DH1 4EN PDF 690 KB
Erection of
single-storey extension, conversion of flat roof to pitched roof
and new window all to rear elevation and internal alterations to an
existing HMO (use Class C4).
Additional documents: