Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham. View directions
Contact: Martin Tindle 03000 269 713
Apologies for Absence
Substitute Members
Minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2023 PDF 369 KB
Declarations of Interest
Applications to be determined by the Area Planning Committee (Central and East)
DM/22/03232/FPA - 4-6 Silver Street, Durham, DH1 3RB PDF 832 KB
Change Of Use from Class E 'Commercial, Business and Services' to a mixed-use comprising uses within use Class E and Sui Generis 'Drinking establishments and venues for live music performances and events' with ancillary facilities, alterations to the external elevations and provision of a roof-top terrace with external seating and ... view the full agenda text for item 5a
Additional documents:
DM/21/03322/OUT - Snowdons, Seaside Lane, Easington Village, Peterlee, SR8 3TW PDF 842 KB
Demolition of existing house and rear storage buildings and erection of 41 no. 1 and 2 storey dwellings, with details of proposed access off Seaside Lane and associated parking and landscaping (amended title).