No. |
Item |
1. |
Apologies for Absence
2. |
Substitute Members
3. |
Declarations of Interest
4. |
Applications to be determined by the Area Planning Committee (Central and East)
4a |
DM/22/03247/FPA - Rushford Court, North Road, Durham, DH1 4RY PDF 844 KB
Erection of new
ancillary student accommodation facilities building built within
grass embankment; minor external changes to existing Harding
building including re-instatement of historical entrance location
and implementation of associated landscaping scheme.
Additional documents:
4b |
DM/22/00102/OUT - Land to the east of Eden House, High Hesleden, TS27 4QF PDF 621 KB
Outline planning
consent (with all matters reserved save for access) for the
erection of up to 18no. dwellings (amended description).
Additional documents:
4c |
DM/22/03823/FPA - 3 St Monica Grove, Crossgate Moor, Durham, DH1 4AS PDF 752 KB
Change use of
dwellinghouse (C3) to 7 bed large HMO (Sui Generis) including
changing the use of the garage into a habitable room.
Additional documents:
4d |
DM/22/03703/FPA - 17A Seaside Lane, Easington Colliery, Peterlee, SR8 3PF PDF 591 KB
Change of use to hot
food takeaway (across all three levels) and erection of high
velocity duct/flue/cowl to rear, extracting above eaves but below
ridge level.
Additional documents:
4e |
DM/22/02292/VOC - 5 North Road, Durham, DH1 4SH PDF 386 KB
Variation of condition
2 of planning permission 4/99/00534/FPA to allow a change in
opening hours.
Additional documents: