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Item |
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Apologies for Absence
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Substitute Members
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Minutes PDF 285 KB
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Declarations of Interest
5. |
Applications to be determined by the Area Planning Committee (Central and East)
5a |
DM/23/03271/FPA - Land to the north of Mill Road, Langley Moor, Durham, DH7 8HL PDF 738 KB
Demolition of existing industrial building and
erection of a retail unit (Class E) with associated car parking,
hard and soft landscaping and associated works.
Additional documents:
5b |
DM/22/01536/FPA - Old Arbour House, Crossgate Moor, Durham, DH1 4TQ PDF 707 KB
Creation of an outdoor horse arena, with
timber rail fencing and floodlighting, exclusively for personal use
Additional documents:
5c |
DM/24/00334/FPA - 131 Grange Way, Bowburn, Durham, DH6 5PL PDF 740 KB
Temporary change of use of the property from a
C3 Residential dwelling to C2 Children's Home for a period of up to
3 years.
Additional documents:
5d |
DM/24/00201/FPA - 31 Bradford Crescent, Gilesgate, Durham, DH1 1ER PDF 628 KB
Change of use from dwellinghouse (Use Class
C3) to house in multiple occupation (HMO) (Use Class C4) including
single storey rear extension, cycle parking and bin storage.
Additional documents:
5e |
DM/23/02397/FPA - Land North of 1-4 Bow View, Ushaw Moor, DH7 7BY PDF 502 KB
Erection of 5no dwellings with associated site
access and ancillary facilities.
Additional documents:
5f |
DM/24/00426/FPA - How Do You Do, York Road, Peterlee, SR8 2DP PDF 601 KB
Change of use of restaurant to local
convenience shop together with extension, new shop front, and
external plant and bin enclosure.
Additional documents:
6. |
Special Meeting