Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 20 March 2024 9.30 am

Venue: Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham. View directions

Contact: Martin Tindle  03000 269 713

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Dr J Carlton, Prof C Clarke, D Gallagher, M Graham, S Jacques, M Kelleher, L Robertson and J Todd.



Substitute Members


Apologies for absence were received from Dr J Carlton, Prof C Clarke, D Gallagher, M Graham, S Jacques, M Kelleher, L Robertson and J Todd.



Declarations of Interest


There were no Declarations of Interest.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 231 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Tobacco Control; The Current Position and Next Steps pdf icon PDF 786 KB

Report and Presentation of the Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services and the Director of Public Health, Durham County Council.

Additional documents:


The Board received a report and update presentation from the Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services and Director of Public Health, presented by Katie Bewick and Andrea Bracewell, Public Health Advanced Practitioners, the current position and next steps (for copy see file of minutes).


The Director of Public Health, A Healy introduced the Public Health Advanced Practitioners and Alisa Rutter OBE, Director of Fresh and Balance, the regional programme dedicated to reducing the harm from tobacco and alcohol in the North East of England.  She noted apologies from Councillor C Hunt and explained that there would be a video featuring Councillor C Hunt speaking at the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on smoking and health, held on 13 March, ‘No Smoking Day’.  She noted that the powerful videos produced telling Councillor C Hunt’s personal story with cancer, had been used regionally and now being used nationally.


K Bewick and A Bracewell asked the Board a series of questions relating to smoking and health, namely: was smoking the largest factor in health inequality in England, yes; did stopping smoking benefit both the pregnant woman and unborn child, yes with immediate benefits; was vaping as harmful as smoking, no, however, it was not without risk and should not be encouraged in children and non-smokers; whether nicotine was harmful, no, rather it was addictive, the other chemicals in cigarettes being harmful; and that quitting smoking would result in people becoming stressed, false in fact overall stress levels were found to decrease if someone stopped smoking.


The Board noted a video of Councillor C Hunt speaking as regards her experiences with cancer as a consequence of smoking at a meeting of the APPG on smoking and health, 13 March 2024.


The Director of Fresh and Balance noted there were a number of people at the APPG event, with Parliament shown the campaign videos featuring Councillor C Hunt.  She explained that Councillor C Hunt had spoken from the heart as regards her experiences.  She reminded the Board that smoking was the single greatest cause of health inequality and early death in England.  She noted the loss of her own farther and the importance of ensuring that the issue of smoking and the impact on health was not forgotten amongst other important public health messages.


J Pearce entered the meeting at 9.50am




The Director of Fresh and Balance noted that partner organisations in Durham had responded in the Autumn on consultation in connection with age of consent for smoking, including Further and Higher Education organisations.  She explained that the Government had published the Bill this morning at 9.30am, with the key aspects being that it was proposed that the age of sale be increased such that children born in 2009 would never be able to be legally sold tobacco products.  She noted the importance of this, adding that currently 350, 18-24 year-olds became addicted every day, and with 200 people dying every day in England as a result of smoking-related illness.  The Director of Fresh and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Climate Emergency Response Plan 2 (CERP 2) 2022/23 Update pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change, Durham County Council.


Additional documents:


The Board received an update report from the Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods and Climate Change on the Climate Emergency Response Plan 2 (CERP 2), presented by Stephen McDonald, Net Zero Manager (for copy see file of minutes).


The Net Zero Manager noted key issues to highlight from the report included:


·        In 2023, there was a 116-day streak of rising global daily temperature, with the trend continuing in 2024 with over 70 percent of days having a higher temperature;

·        There was an associated knock-on effect from this climate change on agriculture, disease and health, with the UK and County Durham not being immune from such impacts;

·        The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that climate change was the biggest health threat to humanity;

·        Durham County Council (DCC) had called a Climate Emergency in 2019, with the Climate Emergency Response Plan (CERP) being currently within CERP 2, with preparation being made for CERP 3, which would be a three-year plan, rather than two-year as previous and have eight themes, rather than the ten previous themes.


The Board were asked to note the achievements and latest figures in relation to CERP 2, and noted that CERP 2 has around 150 actions, with many being DCC and County Durham focussed.  The Net Zero Manager explained that there had been a 54 percent reduction in DCC carbon emissions since the 1990s baseline figure, in line with the region, however, not on track for net zero by 2040, in line with net zero by 2065, with Government noting the issue and the need to makes changes at scale and pace to get back on track.


Members of the Board learned that heating was the biggest challenge, to be implemented without impacting up fuel poverty, with the work of registered social landlords being noted.  It was explained that there was a challenge in terms of private landlords, with the Council’s Housing Solutions Team working with landlords as well as tracking absentee landlords.  The Net Zero Manager noted areas to be explored in relation to heating included district heating, delivery of a Heat Strategy, Heat Network Zones and referred the Board to the Seaham Garden Village with heating via mine water, in conjunction with the Coal Authority.


The Net Zero Manager noted other elements included food/agriculture and transport.  He explained that the transport element also could impact upon air quality, an issue within Durham.  The Board noted that DCC had also declared an ecological emergency, with a Nature Recovery Plan to be included within CERP 3.  The Net Zero Manager noted as regards devolution, and that adaptation to climate change was a significant topic, with a funding bid having been made in relation to an adaptation plan.


Councillor T Henderson noted as regards the use of heat pumps in replacing gas boilers, however, he noted in more rural areas and with older properties such technology and other measures, such as cavity insulation, were not suitable.  He noted many in his community used oil or solid fuel for heating and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Health and Wellbeing Key Campaigns pdf icon PDF 881 KB

Presentation of the Director of Public Health, Durham County Council.


The Board noted a presentation from the Director of Public Health on the following public health campaigns (for copy of presentation see file of minutes).  The Board noted that questions could be directed to the Director of Public Health should any members require additional information on the key campaigns.





That the information contained within the presentation be noted.




Better Care Fund 2023-24 Quarter Three Report pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Report of the Director of Community Integrated Services, County Durham Care Partnership.

Additional documents:


The Board received an update report from the Director of Integrated Community Services on the Better Care Fund, presented by the Strategic Programme Manager Integration, Paul Copeland (for copy of report see file of minutes).


The Strategic Programme Manager Integration noted the key metrics and progress made in Quarter Three, in relation to: avoidable admissions; discharge to normal place of residence; falls; permanent admissions to care homes; and reablement.


The Deputy Chief Fire Officer, K Carruthers noted a recent increase in fatalities from house fires, with some of those having been recently discharged from hospital.  He asked how the Fire and Rescue Service could be linked in in terms of understanding potentially vulnerable individuals.  The Director of Integrated Community Services noted he could speak to the Deputy Chief Fire Officer on this matter.




(a)     That the contents of this report and the Better Care Fund 2023-24     Quarter Three submission, which was submitted to NHS England on    the 9 February 2024, be noted.

(b)     That the Board agree to receive future Better Care Fund performance         updates at Health and Wellbeing Board meetings for information.



Care Quality Commission (CQC) Self-Assessment Update

Verbal Update from the Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services, Durham County Council, and the Director of Community Integrated Services, County Durham Care Partnership.


The Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services gave a verbal update on the Care Quality Commission (CQC) Self-Assessment.  She explained the Council was informed on 30 January that the CQC Inspection would take place, with all relevant data having now been submitted, with no date yet as regards when the CQC would be on site, though it was thought to be before the end of July.  She added that Northumberland and Gateshead Local Authorities had also received notification as regards their inspections.  The Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services noted that work was ongoing in terms of preparations, with a key document being the Council’s Implementation Plan.


A Petty asked as regards the Board’s role and involvement with the inspection, when the CQC would be on site.  The Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services noted that the Council has asked the CQC for a list of people they would wish to speak to, with Councillor C Hood as Chair and Portfolio Holder being listed rather than the Board.  She added that while some health issues and challenges would be looked at, the usual focus would be on front line services we provided, with those staff having already been notified of the process.




That the verbal update be noted.



Exclusion of the Public



Pharmacy Applications

Report of the Director of Public Health, Durham County Council.


The Board considered a report of the Director of Public Health which presented a summary of Pharmacy Applications received from NHS England

in accordance with the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical

Services) Regulations 2013 (for copy see file of minutes).




That the report be noted.