Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.

Information about Cabinet

The Cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council and nine other councillors, each with their own portfolio. Cabinet discusses and makes decisions about our policies and strategies, as well as countywide decisions and issues, which affect more than one of our services. It meets in communities across the county to hold its decision-making closer to local people.


Reports (providing they do not disclose any exempt or confidential information) will be available to view 5 clear working days before the meeting. Some of the decisions that Cabinet make, are key decisions for which further information can be found on our key decisions pages. Some ordinary decisions or key decisions may need to be made by the Executive (Cabinet) in private.  A notice will be published on the relevant Cabinet meetings page, if this is the case 28 clear days before the meeting setting out how representations can be made.  A further notice of its intention to hold a meeting in private will be published at least 5 working days before the meeting, including any responses from the Executive as appropriate.


If the notification requirements have not been complied with the special urgency provisions notices to that effect will appear on the relevant Cabinet meetings pages, and if a key decision, next to the relevant item on the key decisions list.