Agenda item

Quarter 4, 2012/13 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Gemma Wilkinson, Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chairman introduced the Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Gemma Wilkinson who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 4, 2012/13 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of minutes).


The Performance and Improvement Team Leader noted the information in the report related to the year end figures for 2012/13 and reminded Members of the different types of indicators reported, Tracker indicators and Target indicators.  Members were reminded of the drafting of the 2013/14 indicator set and 4 year targets and of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board workshop held 14 March 2013 that fed into this process, the key outcomes being set out at Appendix 5 to the agenda report.


Councillors noted that some of the key achievements in Quarter 4 included non-decency levels for Council properties being ahead of target; the number of empty properties being brought back into use exceeding target; and good progress being made in respect of major planning applications determined within 13 weeks, an increase from 68.8% in Quarter 1 to a year end outturn of 75.6%.  The Committee learned that there had been 188 apprenticeships starts on the Council’s apprenticeship scheme over the year, with 169 currently on the scheme.  It was added that there were 130 apprenticeship starts scheduled for the period up to January 2014 via the Council’s scheme.  


It was added that key performance issues going forward included: occupancy levels of council owned factories and business support centre floor space; and Council Plan actions, including physical improvements to Clifford Road, Stanley and the County Durham Plan (CDP) completion being revised from July 2014 to December 2014.  Members noted the Tracker Indicators set out within the report including: the decline in the employment rate, albeit with a slight decrease in the number of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants aged 18-24; and a slight fall in the use of the Park and Ride facility, thought to be a consequence of particularly unseasonal weather coupled with a relative reduction in use during the period the Lumiere event would have taken place.  It was added that there had been a sharp rise in the number of homelessness presentations; however the number of homelessness applications had deceased from Quarter 3, although there was a slight increase on the same period last year.  The Performance and Improvement Team Leader added that the Housing Solutions Team had successfully worked in partnership with the Housing Temporary Accommodation Support Services (HTASS) in reducing the number of people who were homeless and requiring emergency accommodation.  The Committee were reminded that the key risks to the objectives of the Altogether Wealthier theme were the potential impact if repairs to the Seaham North Pier were not undertaken and the ongoing impact of Welfare Reform.


The Chairman thanked the Performance and Improvement Team Leader and asked Members for their questions. 


Members asked questions in relation to child poverty statistics for the County, which Housing bodies performance figures were reported to Committee; the definition of “affordable units”; the use of bed and breakfast hotels for emergency accommodation for those presenting as homeless; potential changes to concessionary fares; the continued decrease in the employment rate; and the Council’s apprenticeship scheme.


The Performance and Improvement Team Leader noted that Government were in the process of redefining “child poverty” and the Council would continue to monitor this issue, in context with Welfare Reform changes. 


Members noted that in relation to Housing, there were 3 housing organisations which managed the housing stock for Durham County Council: Durham City Homes (DCH), an in-house management organisation; and Dale and Valley Homes (DVH) and East Durham Homes (EDH), both of which were arms-length management organisations (ALMOs).  It was noted that therefore the performance figures for those 3 organisations were presented to Committee as a matter of course, with other former Council Housing Associations such as Livin (formerly Sedgefield Borough Council), Cestria (formerly Chester-le-Street District Council) and Derwentside Homes (formerly Derwentside District Council) having become Associations in their own right via large scale voluntary transfer (LSVTs).  The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance, Andy Palmer added that figures of these associations could be looked at for information, and Councillor J Armstrong reminded the Committee that DCC Councillors were on the Boards of these associations and other Registered Social Landlords (RSLs).


The Performance and Improvement Team Leader explained that there was a national definition of a number of products under the term “affordable” which included shared equity, homebuy and rental in respect of social housing with Members being able to be given further details upon request.  In respect of Housing Solutions and emergency accommodation it was noted that this was monitored closely at a service level and Bed and Breakfast accommodation was only ever used as a last resort and on a temporary basis, until other accommodation became available.  The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance added that there had been increased focus on the issue of homelessness, especially in light of the impact of Welfare Reform, and the area would be monitored and investment made as appropriate as it was a key priority.


In respect of potential changes to concessionary fares, The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance noted he had not heard of any changes being made by Government.  Councillor J Armstrong noted that more information would be known on this issue, and many others, after the Chancellor made a speech regarding the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) later in the week (Wednesday, 26 June 2013).


The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance shared Members concern with the decrease in the employment rate and noted that it was a key indicator for the County Durham Economic Partnership (CDEP).  Members were informed that the figure 4 years ago was equivalent to the then national average and that the North East was the fastest growing region at that time.  The Committee noted that actions being undertaken to try and improve the situation included supporting local businesses; the review of business support that had led to the creation of Business Durham (the amalgamation of the County Durham Development Company and DCC’s in-house Business Support section); and offered help to large companies looking to expand.  Councillors were informed that if each business in County Durham took on one extra employee, then unemployment would be zero.  The Head of Strategy, Programmes and Performance noted that there was work with the Enterprise Agencies as regards apprenticeships and through the Area Action Partnerships (AAPs), though it was added that there was considerable less funding available with the loss of programmes such as the Working Neighbourhood Fund (WNF) and the Regional Development Agency One North East (ONE). 

Members noted the improvement in respect of the number of young people 18-24 in receipt of JSA and noted that this was an important trend to try and maintain.




That the report be noted.


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