Agenda item

Update on Masterplans

(i)         Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development

(ii)        Presentation – Chris Myers, Regeneration Projects Manager, Julie Anson and Jackie Donnelly, Community Economic Development Team Leaders, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chairman introduced the Regeneration Projects Manager, Chris Myers who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to Regeneration Masterplans for County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained the strategic context of the Masterplans, noting that the aims were to coordinate and focus regeneration activities and input into the delivery of the Local Plan and Infrastructure Delivery Plan.  Members noted that this also included engagement with partners, stakeholders and the community to then take forward proposals with investors, developers and land owners.  It was added that it was important to raise the profile of the Masterplan centres.  The Committee were reminded that the development of Masterplans was evidence based and in the context of the DCC corporate Regeneration Statement with a focus on the Regeneration and Economic Development (RED) Capital Programme whilst considering partner activity, public and private sectors within localities.


Councillors noted that of the 12 Masterplans, 5 remained to be completed, with Durham City scheduled to be considered by Cabinet in September, the remaining four: Newton Aycliffe; Peterlee; Shildon; and Spennymoor to be considered in December.  The Regeneration Projects Manager referred Members to several recent examples of delivery including:


·        The Witham, Barnard Castle – following the closure of Teesdale House, includes 2 listed buildings, a 250 capacity Victorian music hall being brought back into use, with 5 business units in addition, all of which are let

·        Stanley – improvements to buildings

·        Seaham North Dock – a new building housing the lifeboat, new businesses, and 77 berths, 24 let so far

·        Consett – improvement to the public realm

·        Auckland Castle – phase one attracted £1Million of Heritage Lottery Funding (HLF), with the possibility of £8 Million HLF over 2 years if bids were successful.  Members noted several schemes outside of this funding at the location, attracting an amount of private sector investment

·        Durham City – improvements to access along Dun Cow Lane in advance of the Lindisfarne Gospels being on display at Durham University.  150 year old cobbles were replaced to a high standard; progress was 2m2 per day.


The Chairman thanked the Regeneration Projects Manager and asked Members for their questions. 


Members noted issues in relation to: Masterplans in the context of the CDP; impact of out of town shopping centres on traditional town centres, the sequential test in planning; development at Bishop Auckland, to maximise the impact of visitors to the Castle; how “principal towns” had been defined; any possible detriment to “non-principal towns”; and how AAPs and the public had been consulted and engaged with in relation to Masterplans.


The Regeneration Projects Manager explained that the Masterplans had indeed been considered within the context of the CDP and that the impact of out of town developments was a more general issue than just for County Durham.  It was added that looking at evidence of vacancy levels, working with businesses to improve, and drawing more visitors into town centres via other means, such as tourism, could help.  Councillors noted that sequential planning in terms of developing in town centres first was still in place and that a number of developments that have gone ahead had been approved against Officer recommendations.  The Committee were informed that issues with development at Bondgate in Bishop Auckland were being looked by DCC and the Developer, and the Regeneration Projects Manager noted that The Raven Hill site was on the market.  Councillors were informed that the definition of the principal towns came from a Settlement Study approximately a year ago, and there was no marginalisation of other settlements with works for those settlements being within the capital programme.  Members were reassured that the management boards of the AAPs were consulted together with key individuals.




(i)         That the report be noted.


(ii)        That a further update be provided to the Committee at its meeting on 9           December 2013.


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