Agenda item

External Audit Progress Report - Report of Mazars


The Committee considered a report of the External Auditor, Mazars that set out progress on the 2012/13 audit (for copy see file of Minutes).


Catherine Banks, Senior Manager advised that there were two issues highlighted that had significant deficiencies in internal control; bank reconciliations and journals.


The Corporate Director, Resources said that there had been significant improvements made with regards to bank reconciliations.  Robust systems were now in place and reconciliations had been made up to the end of March.


On answering a question from Members the Senior Manager of Mazars explained that £1m had been selected as a suitable level where resources allowed journals to be completed.  The County Council were looking at ways to introduce an electronic system.  The Corporate Director, Resources said that he would investigate and report back to Members at a future meeting about what progress had been made.



That the progress report be noted.


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