Agenda item

Partnership Governance - Report of Corporate Director, Resources


The Committee considered a report of the Manager of Internal Audit and Risk that sought to advise of known arrangements in place that could provide assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Council’s partnership governance arrangements (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Manager of Internal Audit and Risk informed Members that a package to support partnership working had been complied by Assistant Chief Executives.


Members were advised that the guidance for those serving on outside bodies was being reviewed and updated.


Councillor Temple asked for clarity about what the Members role is whilst serving on an outside body or partnership and what the Council expects from that Member in terms of reporting back.  The Chairman agreed that this would be investigated and reported back to the Committee in due course.



1.         That the identified sources of assurance on the Council’s partnerships governance arrangements and plans to develop assurance maps to help identify all key sources of assurance, improve understanding of what assurance is provided and identify any gaps where further assurance is required is noted.

2.         That the guidance available to elected members on their involvement with partnerships and outside bodies be noted.


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