Agenda item

North East Independent Economic Review Findings and Review of Governance Arrangements


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director Regeneration and Economic Development which updated Cabinet on the decision of the seven Local Authority Leaders and Elected Mayor in the North East LEP area to embed collaborative working arrangements in a statutory form.  A review of governance arrangements was underway for the seven local authorities in the North East LEP to assess if the existing governance arrangements in relation to Economic Development, Regeneration and Transport could be improved upon with the formation of a Combined Authority made up of the 7 constituent authorities.


This report further updated Cabinet on the key findings from the recently published North East Independent Economic Review (NEIER). The review set out an agenda for creating “more and better jobs” in the North East and called for the devolution of powers, responsibilities and resources from central Government to the area (for copy see file of Minutes).




That the recommendations contained in the report be approved.



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