Agenda item

Forward Plan 2013/14

Report of the Treasurer to the Joint Committee.


The Head of Finance - Financial Services, Paul Darby referred Members to the report within the agenda papers outlining a proposed Forward Plan of meetings for the Joint Committee for the 2013/14 cycle (for copy see file of minutes). 


Members were referred to the key reports and documents that would be brought to Joint Committee throughout the cycle, and reminded that should any urgent matter arise then, upon consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair; a Special Meeting may be called.


Councillor N Foster noted that, as there were a number of new Councillors on the Joint Committee, it was perhaps an appropriate opportunity to canvass Members on what time they wished the meetings of the Joint Committee to be held.  Councillors agreed and asked the Clerk to the Joint Committee to write to Members in due course on this matter.




(i)         That the Members of the Joint Committee note and approve the           Forward Plan.

(ii)        That the Clerk to the Joint Committee writes to Members seeking views on the start times for the meetings of the Joint Committee.


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