Agenda item

4/13/00209/FPA - Land At Finchale Primary School, Canterbury Road, Newton Hall, Durham

Erection of 14 no. dwellings, formation of access and associated works.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the erection of 14 no. dwellings, formation of access and associated works at land at Finchale Primary School, Canterbury Road, Newton Hall, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting. It was reported that since the officers report had been published, a further 4 letters had been received, all of which raised the same issues already received in objection letters and subsequently addressed within the report. The Committee were advised that these additional letters had included statements that the issue of land ownership had now been resolved as had the issues of privacy and amenity since the revised layout had been submitted, though the occupier of 69 Canterbury Road continued to have some reservations.


In referring to the officers report and recommendation, the Committee were advised that the following updates were required:


  • Condition 5 needed to be updated to reflect that the correct and most up to date plan QD718-01-01 Rev D received 20 May 2013;
  • Condition 12 on construction hours needed to be amended to require the developer to submit a management strategy to cater for school drop-off and pick-up times;
  • 2 no. additional conditions required.  Firstly, so as to require agreement to be reached over the disposal of foul and surface waters from the site.  Secondly, so as to agree the precise extent and layout of the front curtilages of plots 01 and 14 and interface with adjacent highway.
  • Paragraph 4 of the report should reflect that 13 of the dwellings proposed would gain their access via the proposed access road with 1 remaining property gaining access direct from Canterbury Road.


It was reported that there was a query regarding the consultation with Finchale Primary School. Members were advised that Asset Management had written to and met with, the school, planning had prepared a site notice. No direct letter had been sent to the school from planning.


Mr D Moody, local resident, addressed the Committee. Mr Moody advised he was a resident of Winchester Road and had originally had a number of objections when the first proposal had been submitted. However since the proposals had been revised  he felt that the submission was much improved and along with many of his neighbours he  felt satisfied with the proposals especially in terms of the streetscape.


He remained somewhat concerned in relation to the highways and queried whether a condition could be applied requiring there to be no stopping of vehicles in the proximity of the school.


The Highways Officer clarified that there were “keep clear” road markings currently on Canterbury Road which would not be removed. There was a reluctance to impinge into the new development with additional road markings as this would ultimately have an impact on those new residents, as such the Council would refrain from taking any further action at the moment. Councillor Bell requested that the parking and road safety situation be monitored.


Resolved: That the application be approved subject to conditions detailed within the report and amendments to conditions as suggested by the Senior Planning Officer and subject to the entering into of a S106 agreement to secure financial contributions of £14,000 towards recreational and playspace and £12,000 towards public art with responsibility for the wording of the additional conditions delegated to the Senior Planning Officer.

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