Agenda item

4/12/00919/OUT - Land To The Rear of 9 - 21 John Street South, Meadowfield, Durham DH7 8RP

Outline application for the erection of 12 no. dwellings on plot to rear of John Street with some matters reserved.


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding an outline application for the erection of 12. no dwellings on a plot to the rear of 9-21 John Street South, Meadowfield, Durham DH7 8RP(for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members of the Committee had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.  The Committee were reminded that the only detailed matter to be considered by the meeting related to the access, as all other matters such as appearance, layout and scale of development, were reserved at the present time.


Councillor J Turnbull, local Member, addressed the Committee. The Committee were advised that he did not object to the proposals but hoped that a wide enough turn off would be accommodated on the highway to allow ample room for service and refuse vehicles. The Highways Officer clarified that the design would include a turning head to accommodate large vehicles.


In response to a query from a Member, the Highways Officer confirmed that although the alignment of the new road should not generate any parking issues, certainly the provision of additional private parking spaces in the future would not be something which the Highways Department would support,


Seconded by Councillor A Bell, Councillor A Laing moved that the application be granted, with Councillor Bell requesting that the parking arrangements in the area be monitored.



That the application be approved subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement and the conditions detailed within the report.


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