Agenda item

Chairs Comments


Judith Bainbridge had received 3 letters in response to the SACRE data letters that were sent to schools in December 2010. One school had questioned the role of SACRE and whether SACRE had acted beyond their remit in monitoring exam entries. Judith had written to the school to outline the responsibilities of SACRE and affirm that they had not acted beyond their remit.


Members discussed the content of the letters and Isobel explained that the information used came from the Local Authority data analysis.  Anne Carter had received a letter which had questioned A*/A underachievement. Anne was annoyed by the letter as they had achieved an A* - C pass rate of 70%.


In response Isobel suggested that SACRE could decide to stop sending data letters to schools but that SACRE has a responsibility to monitor the teaching of RE; this includes supporting and challenging schools in attainment and achievement at Key Stage 4.


Paul Welch stated that the Task Group had spent considerable time analysing each school in great detail and the letters were sent to challenge schools.


Members discussed the issue of the balance between encouraging and supporting schools and RE departments in offering challenges so that RE is on par with other subjects.


It was suggested that a paragraph is inserted into the letter written to every school explaining the purpose of the SACRE data letters.