Agenda item

Matters Arising


The Specialist Inspector for Religious Education advised SACRE Members that the Humanist was unable to attend the meeting but would be in attendance at the next meeting of SACRE.


Councillor M Dixon gave SACRE Members an update on progress made in relation to the funding issues for SACRE.


In particular, he updated Members on the meeting between Councillor Dixon, Miss Bainbridge, Canon Burton and Phil Hodgson the Strategic Manager Support and Development. (The Specialist Inspector for Religious Education was present at the meeting, having been invited by Phil Hodgson).


Funding for the production of the SACRE Annual Report was discussed. Due to the lack of funding available for this, Phil Hodgson suggested that SACRE members should write the report. This suggestion was considered inappropriate given that the report is a statutory requirement and it was felt that its production requires the time and expertise of the Specialist Inspector for Religious Education who is employed by the County Council.


It was felt that the SACRE Annual Report deserves higher status in the Authority and should be presented to Cabinet. Phil Hodgson suggested that funding for its production as a Cabinet Report could be sought from the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People’s Services.


Councillor Dixon also advised Members that agreement had been reached that SACRE would be allocated 9 days per year of time from the Specialist Inspector for Religious Education, plus additional time for the Agreed Syllabus, the cost of which would be met from her department’s budget. They would not, however, pay for the cost of time for monitoring. It was felt that monitoring of RE is of major importance, particularly in the light of the findings in the October 2013 Ofsted Report on RE Religious Education: Realising the Potential. Phil Hodgson suggested that funding for monitoring could be sought from the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People’s Services.


The Specialist Inspector for Religious Education advised SACRE Members that the monitoring of RE in secondary schools was part of her role as an Inspector so this would continue. She did not do any monitoring of RE in primary schools in her role as Inspector unless it was in the budget for SACRE.


Members discussed writing again to the Head of Education to get clarification on what had been agreed then meet with the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People’s Services to discuss a budget for SACRE.




i) That the Task Group meets to discuss SACRE funding further.


ii) That the Task Group make arrangements to meet with the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People’s Services to discuss funding for SACRE.