(i) Finance and General Purposes
(i) That the constitution of the Finance and General Purposes Sub-Committee be the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee together with two Members from each Constituent Authority provided that the number of each Authority’s Members on the Finance and General Purposes Sub-Committee does not exceed the number of that Authority’s members on the Joint Committee, together with one co-opted Member (non-voting) from the Friends of the Museum.
(ii) That the Members for 2013/14 are to be as follows:
Councillor C Marshall (Chairman) Councillor R Bell (Vice-Chairman) Councillors Buckham and Conway (Durham) Councillors Goldsworthy and Green (Gateshead) Councillor Cowie (North Tyneside) Councillors Cunningham and Maxwell (South Tyneside) Councillors Kelly and Walker (Sunderland) Mr A Ashburner (Non-voting Co-opted Member).
(iii) That in the absence of nominated Members representing Constituent Authorities substitutes be allowed to attend.
(ii) Emergencies Sub-Committee
That the membership of the Emergencies Sub-Committee be as follows:-
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee together with two other Members to be nominated by the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, if available.
(iii) Tenders Sub-Committee
That the membership of the Tenders Sub-Committee be as follows:-
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee together with two other Members to be nominated by the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, if available.