Agenda item

4/12/00997/FPA - Land at Rowan Court and The Oaks, Esh Winning, Durham

Demolition of remaining dwellings on site and redevelopment with erection of 78 no. dwellings.



The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the demolition of remaining dwellings on site and redevelopment with the erection of 78 no. dwellings on land at Rowan Court and The Oaks, Esh Winning, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. Members were advised that since the report had been published all matters relating to the design/layout of areas proposed for shared surfacing had been clarified, as such the last sentence of paragraph 45 of the report could be disregarded. 


The Committee were advised that currently, house prices within Esh Winning were at an absolute low, as such the applicant had come forward to advise that they would struggle to deliver the affordable housing requirement. Overall, the predicted values which the properties could be sold for once developed, would be approximately £250,000 less than initially estimated. As such, taking into consideration market values and other key factors, the site was now deemed to be unviable at the current time. However, by bringing the application forward for consideration at this time, would allow the applicant to obtain an EPS license from Natural England because the development proposal would result in the complete loss of 2 bat roosts and disturbance to the small number of bats identified as living in 2 of the properties identified for demolition.


Members were advised therefore that should the application be approved, the site would not be developed immediately.


Seconded by Councillor A Laing, Councillor G Bleasdale moved approval of the application.



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report.


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