Agenda item

Action Plan 2011/12 Audit of Accounts - Update


The Committee received an update from the Corporate Director of Resources on the progress on implementation of the Action Plan from the agreed recommendations for improving control weaknesses incorporated in the External Auditor’s 2011/12 Interim and Final Governance Reports (for copy see file of Minutes).

The Strategic Finance Manager, Corporate Finance informed Members that the Action Plan continues to be monitored through the Performance Framework.


Mr Hoban referred to the fact that no authorised signatories list had been completed for payroll and asked if the system was under control.  The Strategic Finance Manager, Corporate Finance explained that work was ongoing and a review to put signatories in place for payroll was taking place.  There was no formal list that could be produced for the benefit of External Audit but further information could be sought.  The Chairman asked that the committee be provided with more details relating to why the issue of payroll authorised signatories could not be addressed until Sept 2014 and that the payroll and pensions manager be asked to attend the next committee to provide assurance on the procedures in place.



That the report be noted.


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