Agenda item

Quarter 1, 2013/14 Performance Management Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chairman thanked the Customer and Services Intelligence Manager, Regeneration and Economic Development, Graham Tebbutt who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 1, 2013/14 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of minutes).


The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager reminded Members of the different types of indicators reported, Tracker indicators and Target indicators.


Councillors noted that some of the key achievements in Quarter 1 included non-decency levels for Council properties being ahead of target; the number of empty properties being brought back into use exceeding target; net completions of housing being increased on figures for last year, with a significant proportion being affordable homes; and good progress was being made in respect of major planning applications determined within 13 weeks.  The Committee learned that occupancy rates of Council owned factories and business support centre floor space had increased this Quarter and the number of people qualified to NVQ Level 3 and above had also increased.


Members noted progress with Council Plan actions, such as: the delivery of Durham City projects including bus station relocation; Seaham Town Centre improvements, including the North Dock; delivery of Local Transport Plan priorities for South Durham; and improvements for Barnard Castle Town Centre.  Councillors also noted the significant investment in the renewal of permanent Gypsy Roma Traveller Sites. 


It was added that key performance issues going forward included: 28 apprenticeships starts, below the target of 32; Durham City Regeneration Scheme at Aykley Heads; rescheduling of County Durham Plan timescales; delays to regeneration frameworks for some key towns; a lack of Registered Providers coming forward to access HCA funds to bring empty homes back into use.


Members noted the Tracker Indicators set out within the report including: a slight increase in the employment rate, with a continued slight decrease in the number of Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) claimants aged 18-24; and an increase of those accessing JSA for one year or more.  It was added that there had been a rise those re-housed via the Durham Key Options (DKO) scheme and there had been a slight rise in the number of statutory homeless applications.  Members noted the impact of Welfare Reform and the triage process being employed to help tenants and landlords with issues such as under-occupancy.


The Performance and Improvement Team Leader concluded by noting that site preparation work had begun at the Hitachi site, Newton Aycliffe and the success of the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Ashes Cricket match held at the Riverside Ground at Chester-le-Street.


The Chairman thanked the Customer and Services Intelligence and asked Members for their questions on the report.


Members asked questions relating to; the Local Transport Plan for South Durham, asking whether a cycle link between Bishop Auckland and Shildon would be advantageous rather than ending at the Hitachi site; how many expressions of interest had there been for units at Seaham North Dock; and whether there was any data available on the number of developers who had approached  the Council regarding  previous planning consents with a view to rescinding or revising associated Section 106 Agreements attached to such consents regarding the inclusion of affordable homes and the numbers required as part of the consent.


The Customer and Services Intelligence Manager noted that the Shildon to Newton Aycliffe cycle link pre-dated the Hitachi development and the Cycling Strategy was agreed back in 2012.  The Committee noted that there had been interest from existing shop keepers in the Seaham area, however, low level market conditions meant none had been rented yet.  It was explained that as regards Section 106 agreements, they would be looked at on a case by case basis, with Officers noting Central Government having given an indication that it would look sympathetically towards such revocations. It was agreed that the data requested in relation to Section 106 Agreements would be provided to Members of the Committee. Members who were also on Planning Committees noted a recent request for such a revocation that was decline at Committee and that indeed each would be reviewed on its merits at Committee.




That the report be noted.


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