Agenda item

Quarterly Report of the Bereavement Services Manager


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager which provided an update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Bereavement Services Manager reported upon the number of cremations which had been undertaken during the period 1 June 2013 to 31 August 2013, noting that there had been a decrease of 46 on the comparable period last year.  He advised that the figures were offset against the high performance in April/ May and that there was no cause for concern at present.  He added that the sale of memorial plaques in this period was 3 compared to 4 from the same period last year.


Members were advised of operational matters as follows:-


  • Green Flag Application – Mountsett had been successful in obtaining this nationwide award that was a good testimony to the staff of the Crematorium.
  • Staffing – two members of staff have expressed an interest to enrol on the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management Diploma Course.  The post of Business Administration Apprentice would be re-advertised as the two candidates it had been offered to previously had turned the post down.  Two people had been interviewed for the post of Superintendent and Registrar’s position, however, were unsuitable for the position.  Members would discuss the options for this post under a separate agenda item.  A new advert for the posts of Relief Crematorium Attendant has been drafted.
  • Recycling of Metals Scheme – a cheque would be presented to the chosen charity, Age Concern, in due course.


Members received a presentation from the Senior Projects Manager, Neighbourhood Services regarding the replacement of Cremators and Installation of Mercury Abatement Plant (details of which can be found in the report).  He advised Members that there were three Options available and provided detailed plans of the proposals for consideration.


Option 1 – would involve applying the lessons learnt from Durham Crematorium with the existing cremators continuing to run until mid 2016 and the new cremators up and running by this time, with the work broken into phases.  Members were informed that the procurement process could start November 2013 with a successful contractor appointed by April 2014 and completion by mid 2016.  This option would cause the minimum amount of disruption to services and out of hours working had been included in the budget.  Once existing cremators had been removed a new control room would be installed.  Staff facilities would also be improved.  Members were advised that Durham would be using a heat recovery system, using the surplus heat for the hot water and heating requirements.  This system could also be developed to generate electricity.

Option 1A – As above but without the electric generation.

Option 2 – would include the power generation costs but would reduce the size of the building.


Members discussed the options in detail and agreed that the proposal to re-use power for the Crematorium would be environmentally friendly and cost effective in the long run, provided it was managed carefully.  The Head of Finance (Financial Services) informed Members that the generation of electricity would be explored as part of a feasibility study.


Members agreed that Option 1 would be supported in principle as the logical way forward would be to run the existing cremators and generate more space.



The Bereavement Services Manager then reported the amended Service Asset Management Plan.



That the recommendations contained in the report be noted and approved.



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