Agenda item

Media Relations


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Diane Close referred Members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy of slide see file of minutes).  It was noted in the press that Durham County Council had received funding to tackle empty homes and also were going to buy longer-term empty homes in an effort to boost regeneration in Easington Colliery, Eldon Lane, Coundon Grange, Coundon, Dean Bank, Chilton, Craghead and South Moor through the successful cluster-bid that had been made to the Homes and Community Agency (HCA).  Councillors noted other articles included the agreement by the seven Local Authorities in the region to the formation of the Combined Authority (CA); the success of the Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition and news of new Adult Learning Courses being launched across the County focusing on basic skills.




That the presentation be noted.