Agenda item

4/13/00619/FPA - Finchale View Riding School, Pit House Lane, Leamside, Durham

Erection of indoor riding arena and associated landscaping.


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding the erection of an indoor arena and associated landscaping at Finchale View Riding School, Pit House Lane, Leamside, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Mrs S Mordey, applicant, addressed the Committee. Members were advised that she had run a riding school on the site for 5 years. The school had started as a part time venture however the client base had grown over time, largely through existing client recommendations.


The ages of clients ranged from 4-60 years and all students were unfortunately subjected to cold conditions during winter months, as all facilities were currently outdoor. As such Mrs Mordey tended to build the business up during the summer months and then lose business during the winter because of the cold conditions.


Mrs Mordey advised that earlier this year the business had achieved accreditation from the Association of British Riding Schools. She therefore hoped that this seal of approval would help her in expanding the business further afield to allow a larger client base to benefit from education.


Mrs Mordey very much liked her business being secluded and hidden from view. She was keen to introduce shrubbery to protect the area further and was happy to endorse the use of Jupiter Green to further blend the proposed development in with the landscape. Furthermore Members were advised that, although not her responsibility, Mrs Mordey regularly tended to the roadside grass in the vicinity of her business as she was very aware of the visual amenity of the area.


The Committee were advised that the applicant was keen to make the business as self sufficient as possible, and intended to utilise rainwater in the future by collecting it in underground containers.


By approving the application, Mrs Mordey stated that the Committee would be allowing her the opportunity to sustain her business all year round, take on additional staff and apprentices, and open up her school to a wider area.


Councillor B Moir took pleasure in approving the application having heard how the applicant intended to develop her business for the benefit of the community. Several Members echoed their support for the application and the future plans for the business.



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report.


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