Three questions had been received from Mr Cunningham, briefly summarised as follows:
(a) what steps the Council had taken, or were thinking of taking, to protect Council Taxpayers’ funds which had been, or may still be in any type of account or investment deposit with the Co-op Bank;
(b) the facts behind writing-off of loan amounts which were granted to the Durham County Waste Management Company and Premier Waste Management and the reasoning and approvals given for writing off these amounts;
(c) whether the Council agreed in any way with the recent statements and proposals of Chief Constable Mike Barton on the subject of decriminalisation of Class A Drugs.
Mr Cunningham was in attendance to ask his questions and received responses from Councillor Napier, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance and Councillor Hovvels, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Safer and Healthier Communities. The Head of Legal and Democratic Services informed the Council that Mr Cunningham would receive a written response to his questions and both the questions and responses would be published on the Council’s website.
Supporting documents: