The Council noted a report of, and received a presentation from, the Assistant Chief Executive which provided information on recent policy developments relating to the government’s welfare reforms, the council’s response and the expected impact on the county. The report also considered a review of the council’s Local Council Tax Support Scheme and the requirement to agree the council’s approach to Local Council Tax Support for 2014/15 as well as an early operational review of the Welfare Assistance Scheme and the Discretionary Housing Payments policy which had been on place since 1 April 2013.
Councillor Napier, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance thanked the Assistant Chief Executive for her comprehensive, informative report and presentation. He was aware of prevention and intervention measures which the Council had introduced, but expressed concern that the figures provided were only up to Quarter 2 and that families may be cutting back on other budget areas such as heating and food to compensate for the welfare reforms, or even borrowing money on short-term loans.
Members of the Council then raised the following issues:
· The impact of the recent energy price rises on fuel poverty in the region;
· The increase in acquisitive crime for essential items, such as food, so that families can pay their rent and fuel bills;
· The promotion of credit unions to avoid people borrowing money from short-term money lenders;
· The impact of zero hours contracts;
· The promotion of warm homes discounts offered by some energy companies;
· The inequality of austerity measures and implementation of welfare reform.
The Leader of the Council informed the Council it was important to receive regular updates on welfare reform, as some of the changes were still in their infancy.
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