Agenda item

Fees and Charges Strategy Options 2014/15

Joint Report of Corporate Director of Neighbourhood Services and the

Corporate Director of Resources / Treasurer to the Joint Committee.


The Head of Finance - Financial Services referred Members to Fees and Charges Strategy Options 2014/15 report (for copy see file of minutes).  It was noted that the purpose of the report was to seek Members’ opinions on options in advance of the 2014/15 budget setting process. 


Members recalled Durham County Council was the major partner in two Crematoria, Durham and Mountsett and that following Local Government Reorganisation in 2009 a harmonisation of fees and charges was undertaken.  It was noted that the fees and charges level these crematoria were the second lowest in respect of neighbouring crematoria.  

It was explained that accordingly, several options had been drafted for Members’ consideration and were set out as Appendix 3 to the report.


The Vice-Chairman, Councillor M Plews noted that if there was to be works carried out at the Crematorium, an increase of fees to the highest level would not be justifiable, however this could be reviewed again in the future. 


Councillors noted that there could be criticism if there was a large increase and the Head of Finance - Financial Services noted that any increase could be stepped over several years and Members may also wish to consider what any increased income could be used for. 


Members added that there had been investment in new equipment and there were proposals for further investment in public facing areas, this was noted as adding value to the Crematorium and the quality of the service being provided.  Councillors noted that any changes should be considered in terms of service users, for example Funeral Directors.  Members noted that in many cases the cost is not the determining factor for Funeral Directors, issues such as capacity, accessibility and frequency of services were important. 


The Joint Committee noted that fee increases at other facilities would mean that an increase to the average charge would still be less expensive than other neighbouring crematoria, around £10 less expensive than the nearest competitor’s current fee.


The Accountant, Spennymoor Town Council, Derek Shingleton noted that the use of any extra income could be to help as changes in the Local Council Tax Support Scheme meant that there was a shortfall in that respect for Spennymoor Town Council.  The Head of Finance - Financial Services added that any additional income, or a proportion of any additional income, could be split between the constituent Authorities or be used to assist in respect of additional borrowing or a combination of both, but that this would need to be determined at budget setting.




That the option of increasing fees and charges to that of the average charge, together with proposals as regards redistribution of surplus to the constituent Authorities be brought forward to the Joint Committee in time for the budget setting process for 2014/15.

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