Agenda item

Internal Audit Progress Report Quarter Ended 30 June 2013


The Committee considered a report of the Manager of Internal Audit and Risk which informed members of the work carried out by Internal Audit during the period April to June 2013 ( for copy see file of Minutes).


The Manager of Internal Audit and Risk advised that 61 of the 115 planned audits had been completed.  One unplanned review for catering had been added to the plan and one outstanding management response remains overdue regarding the records management draft report.


Members were informed that there had been significant improvement made in the number of overdue actions with 6% outstanding. If revised target dates were considered only 2% of actions were overdue.




1.         The amendments made to the 2012/13 Annual Audit Plan be noted.

2.         Work undertaken by Internal Audit during the quarter ended June 2013 be noted.

3.         Progress made by service managers in responding to the work of Internal Audit be noted.


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