Agenda item

Internal Audit Progress Report Quarter Ended 30 June 2013


The Committee considered Appendices 7 and 8 of the report of the Manager of Internal Audit and Risk which informed Members of audits issued in the quarter resulting in a limited assurance opinion and detailed the actions agreed by managers in response to internal audit recommendations that were overdue (for copy see file of Minutes).


Members raised some concerns about the length of time it took for some actions to be implemented and  suggested that a limit on how many times a revised target date could be given is implemented.  It was suggested that if more than one target date is exceeded, the action owner should be called to account to the Committee for the delay.


The Chairman advised that he would meet with the Manager of Internal Audit and Risk and agree which officers should be asked to attend Committee at the next meeting to provide an explanation for the delay.



That the report together with the recommendations included therein be approved.